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Everything posted by LRF4N

  1. Your oven reminded me of this beaut
  2. Looks better already
  3. Surely you can find images of it colour coded online?
  4. If you have white side skirts the front would look a lot higher than the rest of the car in profile Dont get me wrong it can work in black/carbon but on the right car with the right colour/mods This 350z lip with the middle bit black looks spot on
  5. White for me. It rises from the sides so makes your car look higher and less aggressive in profile, the opposite of what a lip should do Have you got pics of your own car? if you’ve blacked out the fangs then why not keep that central recess black and go white on the rest?
  6. LRF4N

    Juke Gen 2

    New juke is a huge improvement over the old one (wasn’t that hard though) There’s one thing that hasn’t changed, I still can’t interpret the front end. Is it round eyes with weird eyebrows or long narrow eyes with weird round things beneath them
  7. I saw some turtle wax tyre gel for under a fiver. I’m a sucker for a bargain My megs was finished ( @SuperStu took me 12 years to finish it ), loved it but hated the mess This is definitely less messy, really good results and just as durable as endurance gel. I’d even say it’s a bit deeper after a few weeks once the gloss fades Must admit after reading a lot on detailing over the years I had ignored brands like turtle wax, a few including yourself on here had swayed me to trying it and I’m glad I did
  8. Thanks Colin. For the front it was a toss up between the kuruma (grey) and greddy (white). Had always wanted the kuruma but from some angles the greddy looked more aggressive, others it looked wierd. When ordering the kuruma wasn’t available so I went with the greddy When it came I wasn’t a fan of the vents so had them moulded it. I think it’s a nice happy medium between the 2
  9. I’m assuming this is parellos old car? If so is it still on bags? Pretty sure he had gold gold wheels which worked well and not a million miles away from what you have
  10. Saw this a while back on my lunch break near work. It’s not often I put filters on photos of random cars
  11. Btw if anyone is able to photoshop different colours on the brakes feel free
  12. Nah mate, will get them stripped and done properly Because racecar
  13. Something like this with matching tow strap. Already got burnt tips so could work as an accent colour?
  14. This is what I’m thinking, like spirit blue on Ford STs but with more flake
  15. Quite like the gunmetal, but bronze wheels can work well with red The standard brembos are the same colour as zeds, I think they clash with red?
  16. It had yellow callipers when it came over, didn’t look great. Looked like a Ferrari wannabe Maybe they were the wrong yellow but I just thought they looked out of place
  17. Love this shot, thinking of purply blue on the callipers
  18. Thinking of red seat belts to add some colour inside. After chucking out the red mats I’m enjoying the dark interior
  19. LRF4N


    That’s Nathan’s car don’t think he’s on here. Standard lights which he modified
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