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Everything posted by LRF4N

  1. It helps that they have roads where you can actually drive a slammed car I’ll need to raise my front end a touch if I want to keep the bumper in one piece Here’s another G37
  2. There’s a handful that are being modified here but like you say across the pond there’s loads. Here’s some I follow on the gram
  3. Thanks for the comments guys. Need to get my finger out and back on track with the mods
  4. Hi mate. Not driven it much lately, had a lot going on but that will change in the coming weeks Rear headroom and legroom is a lot better than you would expect, would make a good family wagon
  5. I don’t think anyone can wait Starting to take shape now. Amazing work so far
  6. The z32/33/34 all looked like they were in motion while at standstill, that’s where this is lacking for me. The rear is usually sloped but with it being flat it loses the appeal
  7. Really enjoying watching this come together. What stage are you at at present and when will it be complete?
  8. The front has an alfa giulia vibe about it. What are the tail lights from? I thought corvette when I first saw them
  9. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/Shitty_Car_Mods/comments/2bgq0m/rolls_royce_made_to_look_like_a_nissan_350z/
  10. Amazing project, look forward to seeing it done last time a saw a 350z get this treatment it came out looking like a poor mans Rolls Royce, and not in a good way Are there sketches you’re working to or are you winging it
  11. Why not just get the bodykit if you like the look? And some aftermarket wheels, you’ve already lowered it
  12. I’m pretty sure autos weren’t an option in the uk. Also they look like 17” wheels, the ad says 18s, might give you some haggle room
  13. Welcome along @evilscorp has started a VQ swap into his S14 https://www.350z-uk.com/topic/118415-koukicuda-s14a-350z-handmedowns/
  14. Welcome along mate, loads of us in and around Glasgow. Unfortunately not many use this forum anymore If you’re on facebook join the Zcotland page, there’s also a whatsapp group Which part are you from?
  15. Both owned from new, would be interesting to see how much you sell them for. Do you think you’ll make a profit?
  16. Looks stunning Alex. Do you still have the XJS?
  17. Brings back memories of going through the passenger door in mine Common problem in winter. With mine the mechanism had seized. Had the door card removed, mechanism lubricated, never had the issue after that Opening the door needed the door hanger trick
  18. I was saying this at a meet last year Ive been using a paint brush for years, a bit messy until you get the hang of it
  19. I’ll let @SuperStu decide if it can be entered
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