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Regional Event Organiser
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Everything posted by LRF4N

  1. Updates from the last week Koyo radiator fitted, no longer spraying coolant from the front whacky races style Also tinted the amber lenses. Was thinking of doing it as a temp measure but I might just stick with them. Left a sticker over the middle reflector so that’s not tinted but might give the whole thing one more coat Considering new black lenses cost around 45, this cost me nothing as I had some tint spray left over, even that was under a quid lol Before:
  2. I won’t make it but it should be good
  3. Forgot to post up in here. There’s an event on in Irvine today with around 1000 cars coming. A few of us will be attending https://m.facebook.com/events/2021805698063502/?ti=icl https://m.facebook.com/cruise.irvine/
  4. Saw one of these a month or 2 ago and thought the guy modified it with a central exhaust without using his measuring tape properly. Then I realised they’re like this from factory...
  5. It’s orange so it must be yours. Dodge Ram was it?
  6. You’ll be home well before sunset PM zmanalex for used headlights
  7. Nice one mate be good to see your car in the flesh Good turnout so far but I’m sure we can do better. Only 7 quid a ticket, cheap day out @STYLZ @PPod @milseyman @BennyGt4 @Cragus @hensh65 @ZeppoJeff @Gary62 @Bigjimg
  8. LRF4N

    some changes

    Nice car, get it along to some meets and shows
  9. You know more about it than me lol
  10. This will be up Hugh’s street. Saw this the other day, no idea of the model so the make will do
  11. 1. Irfan- 350GT (PAID) 2. Calum - 350Z (PAID) 3. Zcotland_Dale - 370Z nismo (PAID) 4. Lurch- 350Z 5. Stirzz - 370Z (PAID) 6. Gary (facebook) - 380RS (PAID) 7. Tom (facebook) - 370Z 8. Kay - 350z 9. 10.
  12. Ok folks I’ve registered the club, to buy tickets use this link https://www.knockhill.com/clubstand/members/register Quote club ID KHCS95 when booking to allocate you car to our stand Update this list when you have paid
  13. Welcome along Kay I’ve been in touch with knockhill for a stand we need to register online. I’ll get the ball rolling with that in due course and then everyone else can buy tickets online
  14. Does that mean I’ll need to join facebook Cheers stirrz, is Gary ‘-G-‘ on here?
  15. 1. Irfan- 350GT 2. Calum - 350Z 3. Dale (facebook)- 370Z nismo 4. Lurch- 350Z 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  16. Oh that!!! I remember that now Its actually not an anticlimax that’s probably the only pug I’ve ever liked
  17. That’s not cheating- we’ve been googling for 2 days and still not found it! Put us all out our misery lol what is it
  18. Is this gonna be a huge anticlimax when it gets revealed?
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