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Everything posted by LRF4N

  1. had it checked, the guy said it sounds like the motors burnt out, just wot i thought lol. goin in 2moro to check it out properly
  2. had a hectic day at work mate so didnt get the pics for u but iv put a reminder in my phone for 2moro lol
  3. LRF4N

    jag supercar??

    indian is the new italian then... with results like that i aint complaining! kobi u can stay in the passenger seat then lol
  4. LRF4N

    jag supercar??

    think im gonna buy a banger n make it a kit car to look identical to that lol
  5. http://www.autoexpress.co.uk/news/autoe ... xj220.html dont care if this is only a concept that will never make production.....or if its just an artists impression.... i think its stunning!! about time jag showed its balls....i mean claws
  6. i was thinkin of goin for the iphone cos it really is impressive but has minor downfalls. thinkin of goin for the nokia 5800 out in february- similar to the iphone but with better bluetooth capabilities and some other stuff, not as impressive as the iphone as in the screen doesnt zoom etc and u cant download the applications like the iphone has. sorry to confuse u more lol but give it a look http://www.nokia.co.uk/5800 i think its the one for me
  7. wouldnt say theres any must haves- everyones got a diff style to their zeds- some are stock, some with external mods, some with performance mods, some with extra luxury, and then theres the daft and embarrassing mods lol browse the pics/ forums and see wots for u. will get the pics of sat nav for u 2moro hopefully
  8. thats pretty good jay- im 25 n only payin £100 less than u
  9. how much would the guys on the rally tracks be sh1tting themlves??
  10. welcome mate u made the right choice lol. nothin beats that engine note eh? and the pull in 2nd is pretty impressive....i still got that same smile on my face lol it doesnt go away! any mods planned?
  11. better fill my tank then! lol early afternoon suits me better but im free all day- il b flexible for this lol
  12. nice bike mate- its like knight rider on 2 wheels lol il def b there lookin fwd to it. will need to get another coat of wax on before then!
  13. im cool with that- wot time u guys thinkin? will u b bringin ur bike adam? post pics if u got any (disappointed u dont own a zed so u better make up for it with a nice bike lol)
  14. with u now mate lol- i was startin to think u really were a rent boy!
  15. Yeh but only fresh rubber on cars lol! Any other rubber is just no fun the other rubber is great fun!!
  16. no plans yet- got another day of work to get thru 1st!
  17. u obviously dont get enough if u prefer tyres lol
  18. its had a few layers mate- just my shitty nokia camera doesnt show it lol. due an upgrade soon will make sure its a 5 megapixel camera on it!!
  19. u need to get out more! ....or should i say stay in more lol
  20. nothin beats puttin on some fresh rubber....
  21. lol u heard right here she is... exterior is complete might save up n start under the bonnet some day lol- will get more pics up soon (better quality!!)
  22. i had a 24 hr test drive on a z- but decided after about 3 seconds it was def for me! lol never driven an rx8 kobi but i know 2 ppl who were deciding between a z and an rx8, both went for the mazda...both regretted it lol
  23. lol cheers paul, pics dont do it justice do they? its gone in for the calipers to be painted gettin it back tonight. does ur van have vinyls on the side? i take that route every day
  24. lol fair enough but u gotta change ur sig- i thought u were a z owner
  25. thats a volvo?????? lol how did they go from curves like that to the boxes were used to?? lol
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