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Everything posted by LRF4N

  1. dont let the pics at the park fool u jay- thats not where i live lol stopped there to answer my phone ended up takin a few pics tyre dressings worn off but if one more person says that il ram the bottle up their arse lol zazur the spoilers from america, heres the link http://www.vertex-usa.com/catalog/produ ... t=0&page=1
  2. lol ssshhhhhh i was hopin no1 noticed!!
  3. lol had this discussion before mate, i do a lot of miles and enjoy the comfort. im waitin on spacers for the back then il decide
  4. heres a few pics of the z lookin the way i wanted it- any mods from here on are a bonus lol. red calipers completed the job u still think she needs a wax jay?
  5. LRF4N

    Dream Customz Mod

    lookin good jay, led lights look pretty cool- usually they look gey unless theyre on an audi lol but that looks good. think u should show another pic of the whole front end tho to get a better idea of how they look
  6. i got mine from mjp eastern auto, ul get a discount as a forum member also. www.mjpshop.co.uk i think or theres a link in the traders section
  7. hi mark mine had the same problem, first it was just makin a noise then it stopped workin altogether. had it checked the guy said there was water gettin into the motor? not sure where from. he cleaned it and dried it out, its workin again but still makin a noise. will have to ge it replaced sometime. let me know how u get on. ps u were one of the first to post on my thread- short term memory loss?? lol
  8. after seein ur work im actually giving it a thought as well. theres only so much an amateur can do lol. how much do u charge?
  9. yea cool. i drive thru ek on the way home from work but if its half 7 il b back in the southside before i go. is jolly green giant joining us? with 3 kitted Zs rollin in theyl know we mean business lol
  10. lol ok sounds good. cant wait to see ur green machine lol where in ek is it? and wot time?
  11. 26th feb? thats a thursday is that right? where is it held and wot time? cheers ...enough about ek wots happening with the glasgow run lol
  12. very impressed, esp with the 50/50 shots they show the improvement well
  13. ul need to show me that road when the snow melts lol
  14. thats ok then- ut a bluenose at heart lol. just back from the milan game myself. so u aint gettin tickets- just watch the highlights like me lol, turn ur cousin into a zed fan!
  15. hhmmmm makin me give up the game for a tunnel run... better be worth it!! lol was gonna only watch it on tv- not got tickets so if theres a decent crowd il give the game a miss for the meet jay im up for the cruises let me know when il see wot i can do! would be good to get a few zs on the scene to show everyone up lol
  16. wot day was it mate? got a few friends in the area but dont remember bein parked there lol. if it was on sat it def wasnt me- was in manchester all day lol. when u see mine at the meet ul realise whether it was me or not
  17. lol fair enough i can make sundays but only after aroud 3ish which isnt great with these short days. if sundays suits everyone else better i can make arrangements?? cos i definately aint missing this lol
  18. i was lookin fwd to it as well! lol yea 2wks later is cool with me. im surprised jay didnt put his name down after goin on about it lol
  19. i got plenty of that if any1 needs any lol
  20. lol will keep an eye on it on ebay, cheers
  21. i was just about to pm u lol. is it def in working order? and can i ask y ur selling urs? cheers
  22. LRF4N


    i bought mine from a 2nd hand dealer n he gave me 3 keys! lol
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