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Everything posted by LRF4N

  1. LRF4N

    Guess what..

    i love them so much i even looked into opening up a branch in scotland! but dozy yanks wouldnt let me imagine a dentist with a side business like that lol
  2. i like it- think it looks mean as mustangs always do but i think the original kitt was more sleek, shoulda used a corvette or something
  3. LRF4N

    Guess what..

    ohhh krispy kremes.... thats one thing we dont have in scotland... will be making a trip after santa pod tho!
  4. i like how u put it phil, couldnt agree more. speaking of connor/reese this is one thing il never get my head round....reese gets sent back in time where he conceives john... but john has already taken part in the war.....
  5. lol true but thats wot makes terminator wot it is.the story has moved on but the style of the film was totally different as well. theres a contract for parts 5 and 6 but i still think 2 wont be beaten, its just too good lol. the action and effects were really good in 4 but 2 was just legendary. can u tell its one of my fav films of all time? lol
  6. it was a decent effort but the storyline wasnt up to much and there was too much cheese for my liking lol. didnt have the fear factor of a baddie terminator. better then 3 but still miles apart from 2
  7. now thats old school! lol lets see pics of ur bug project then
  8. itv 2, finales about to start lol
  9. terminator 2 judgement day...wot a film watchin it as we speak lol seen it a million times dont think il ever get sick of it. 3 was a disappointment, 4 wasnt that much better... only good thing about 3 was kristanna loken! but 2 will always be a classic. the truck/bike chase....the SFX... arnies one liners.... the eerie music... the rest just dont have it. if christian bale wasnt in 4 it woulda been crap but back to the telly for me... hasta lavista....baby...
  10. sickness and arse sickness glad ur ok mate musta been scary
  11. thanks gents. yea chris i was thinkin of getting some more tech wax for on top and alternating them everytime i wax. or even both if i get the time lol. its only around £17 a bottle
  12. well heres the result, mirror shine and flakes galore. u impressed stew? lol when i 1st started this thread i said i used to used megs tech wax which i loved. in comparison i think the dodo juice gives more waterproof-ness, more flaky-ness and is easier to take off. however tech wax is easier to app;y and gives a more glossy or wet look shine. and its cheaper but prob doesnt last as long. overall i think i prefer dodo juice but u can only admire the results in the sun or good light whereas tech wax results showed even when it was cloudy
  13. thats been photoshopped stew! lol well i do like a challenge...its a sunday afternoon... the sun is out... guess wot im off to do?? lol
  14. i was waitin for that response, and i knew it was gonna come from u stew lol my camera doesnt do it justice- wait til adam uses his uber camera or even better- organise a north meets west meet and il show u it in person lol .... i wont be able to make it to the hoon sorry lol
  15. quick update on the wax- decided to go for purple haze dodo juice. looked ok when i buffed it off but after washing it a few days later is when i realised the quality of the stuff, water run off and beading is amazing n thats only with one layer. hopefully get a couple more on before santa pod! only complaint is u cant see it while ur applying it lol but happy with the results
  16. i work in holytown down the road from u so yea i think i have spotted u. how u finding the zed experience? theres a member on here who lives in holytown. small world eh?
  17. mate i think u should keep the seats lol btw have u got any pics of ur zed? read thru ur sig there it sounds quite tasty lol i do like pearl zeds
  18. clicky axle... bose speaker cut out... wipers... and flat front bumper but im sure we can all live with them cos theres so many positives lol and dont tell ppl u drive a nissan- just say its a "350Z" ul get a better reaction lol
  19. iv seen that gadget.... on a skoda fabia 1.4! lol
  20. i got enough red on mine already- think that would be overkill! seen loads of bmws w in black with red leather it looks really good. craigs goin for red calipers he should get the seats to match lol
  21. likin the red seats, not seen them before. think theyd suit a black zed
  22. very nice mate! i do like the wheels i must say and i agree they bring out the best in ur car now, looks better
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