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Everything posted by LRF4N

  1. iv had a few (theres planty of chavved up lawnmowers in glasgow lol) but the best was on the way back up the M6 after picking up the car. had a banged up fiat brava with an excuse for a bodykit tryin to race me, this was the 1st time i gave pushed the car and left him standing, floored it for about 30 secs and started cruising again. 10 mins later he came into my rear view mirror again and right up behind me, realising this guy wasnt taking no for an answer he showed him again wot the good old zed is capable of lol then again he came back wanting more! lol i just took it easy and let him go before i lost my licence the 1st day i got the car lol
  2. ho u puttin the mesh on a standard bumper? iv seen the silver mesh grills for the zed and they look pretty naff but never seen black. iv always thought the standard plastic looks a bit boring but dunno wot to do with it
  3. buy my rays for 450 andmore mods with the rest! lol i like the 1st set adam posted also, not seen them on a zed but theyre nice wheels. agreed deep dish look good on a zed. u looked at the tenzo r range?
  4. i say go for it. maybe not this time with ferraris lol but if u got the chance to do something ur passionate about for a living u cant ask for more. id be jealous for one! i dont know the ins and outs of it but if theres courses available get onto them and make loadsa cash doin somethin u enjoy. u could be a trader on here soon lol hat off to u if u make it
  5. im a huge bmw fan, love the controversial stuff like the x6 and 6 series are gorgeous, have consider a 6 as a zed replacement. like the family cars as well and love how BMs drive but i drove the new z4 and was really disappointed, nowhere near the 350 nevermind the 370 but they need a rival to the merc SL, bring on the Z9!
  6. ahhh ok il give that ok thanx
  7. a week or so ago my cars been playin up, its stopped switching automatically to non recycled air when i turn the AC on or when i turn the fans to the windscreen, anyone heard of this problem before? not a major issue but would like to get it sorted
  8. 1. Honda Civic 1.5 2 Mazda 323 1.5 (both family cars) 3. Merc CLK 200K (my 1st car i bought myself) 4. 350Z GT
  9. i bought my zed at 25, im 26 now. cheapest quote i had for insurance before i turned 25 was over 3 grand!! how much are the kiddies on here payin? and jay when i said i might get a 911 next u tore me a new arsehole lol now uv had a taste of it u can see why
  10. lol not the austin it was our very own maxi
  11. seen ur car parked in shawlands earlier this evening, wheels lookin good mate
  12. Cherterfield might like that one! does chesterfield have big cajunas or is he just a gutsy mo-fo lol
  13. ru an autoglym rep?? lol so wot do u use instead?
  14. yea suppose u should be grateful with ur main job but i was lookin fwd to seein new and different products, oh well mate im sure wel see them when weve all got GTRs. thanx again for the work and help paul
  15. lol if i wasnt ever on that site jay i would have my plate on the car now! iv found a few of my mates number plates so yea i check it now n again. thats prob the best iv seen the other one was B4LLS lol
  16. lol i thought that was a universal term?
  17. not usually a fan of black wheels but i do like that maxi, totally changed ur car. likin the knight rider look lol
  18. its startin at just 400 bucks lol any takers??? http://dvlaregistrations.direct.gov.uk/ ... catalogue/
  19. haha thats the one dude ! Renault liquid yellow, as in the clio182, the v6 clios and the new clio 197's, i believe it was used on a couple other sporty renaults too. ur cars a legend already lol i love that colour, just make sure ur project lives up to the hype now!
  20. u dont get nuts with the spacer kit just extra long bolts to make up the extra lenght of the spacers so that the nuts tighten on the same amount of the thread the new bolts sholud be of the same width and thread as the shorter bolts and the nuts should go on just the same, provided uv got the right kit lol i used the same nuts on mine. hope this helps and makes sense
  21. when was that mate? wave me down next time ur in ur zed
  22. lol theyve i took the photos almost 3 months ago and only put the advert up recently, so im afraid nope im not in a hurry to sell lol
  23. Thanks dude Yeah its a 3 stage pearlescent yellow, and will have black detailing, colours picked out nice one cant wait to see it! is it anything like the renault sport colour? i think thats the nicest colour out there and a heavily modded zed is cryin out for it
  24. welcome buddy if u like modding then the zed is the right car and this is the right forum lol, even the stock drivers appreciate some nice mods cant wait to see ur project! i hope its pearl yellow ur goin for?
  25. ohh gorgeous mate gorgeous... wasnt expecting that when i opened the thread! iv always liked the dodge ram but the fords better lookin i think. good choice!
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