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Everything posted by LRF4N

  1. lol he said theres a story.... as if he was gonna go on and tell the story... but i there was nothing else in that post lol and i like annoyin derek lol
  2. so wots the story then? lol
  3. both are gorgeous... hard tops on my list of future cars for def
  4. well guys... i got somethin to say... iv had the car a year now... and im getting married early next year... so u know wot that means... ....iv told my wife-to-be that the cars goin nowhere under no circumstances and it takes priority over her! i aint goin anywhere! lol if we need 4 seats we buy another car not sell up! let the modding continue!!
  5. LRF4N

    Car respray

    ur serious jay?? i thought u were pullin my leg! candy red mate or zele orange or how about somethin new...hmmm... pauls done green... only colour we aint seen is brown!!
  6. lol so wots ur excuse anyway derek??????? u dont deserve ur braveheart nametag no more!!
  7. Really would be gutted to see her go . why sell it then? one of the nicest examples on here mark ul regret it!
  8. oh sorry must be gettin old as well lol so wot if i slept in? still made it on time lol and they aint dry or roasted lol
  9. I actually had tears in my eyes! Maybe Derek heard you weren't wearing underwear and didn't fancy getting chased about by a dentist saying 'come here and I'll give you a little drilling!' Steady on Stew Can't give people the wrong impression!!! get it teeth Oh well that was poor derek lol
  10. sellin our snooker table on ebay, starting at £450 inc accessories if anyones interested? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Full-Size-Snooker ... 286.c0.m14
  11. my 1st mod was my deep dish 19s dont have any pics with just the alloys
  12. ermm paul putting petrol in or somethin else?? i know u like ur car but...surely its not that good lol
  13. heres the pics i took not many it was too cold n wet lol somebody didnt come prepared... lol
  14. no pics of any ladies... they werent worth pics lol and take ur magnifying glass into the tunnel paul u wont find any azure anywhere- or any marks on my car for that matter (only marks were in my pants lol)
  15. lets just say i had a squeeky bum moment on the way there and fishtails were the order of the day... hope u enjoyed my show lads lol uploading my pics as we speak by the way...WOT HAPPENED DEREK???? if that was me jay or paul our balls would be dry roasted by now! ur losing ur passion lol tut tut tut not the best example ur setting before the hoon...
  16. hard to tell from the vid but is this bomex bumper the one ur lookin for? http://www.gdbodykits.com/Front-Bumper-p/z33-fb-01.htm
  17. how about wheels from a different make of car? that annoys me lol should that annoy me? heres an astra vxr(nice car) with merc wheels... and merc centre caps still there
  18. oops just found out i wont have a spare set afterall... sorry for the confusion lol
  19. il have a set as soon as my carbon ones arrive from scottsoulby if ur not in a hurry
  20. 1. Scott 2. Clarkie34 3. 3FiddyZ 4. Shire350z 5. TADDY 6. Muddy 7. Bladesgrant 8. Lincolnbaggie 9. Tonser 10. G18FAN
  21. got a set of rays for sale craig if u still need wheels? the front tyres are new but rears need replacing. looking for £450
  22. iv got a set of rays for sale in the for sale section for £450
  23. forget his driving... how cool is his mustang?? i wish i had one of them!
  24. alloys. vans look class with half decent alloys
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