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Everything posted by LRF4N

  1. not seen it yet il get it 2nite. i wasnt the main driver on the hire car so it got sent to my mates house
  2. cars lookin nice n clean, u been out with the tyre shine? lol ...and that doesnt look like maryhill road! lol
  3. im in holytown mate mon-fri unfortunately lol there was a black gtr in holytown for a week not long ago, a mates mate whos wife works up the road from me- he gave it to her for a week while she was between trading one car in for another ....i dont trust many with my zed .....i DEF wouldnt trust anyone with a gtr lol
  4. in more ways than one! lol so its just the type of camera? i thought it was the law lol any loopholes for me to jump thru? if i have the option of a 3 hr lecture instead of points il happily take it- esp if i have to go back down south.... only went to krispy kremes once that trip lol
  5. lol small world- i work in motherwell ur prob better off in maryhill rd than motherwell lol
  6. is it just me or does that hot rod have the smallest windscreen in the history of small windscreens?
  7. LRF4N

    My Beauty!

    lookin fwd to seein it mate. iv only seen these wheels on a zed 3 times... and theyre all white! lol great minds eh
  8. i know! slowest bm iv driven!! lol i wasnt racing or anything like that, cruising along and noticed the camera at the other side of the road, but thought it was harmless like it woulda been up here.... how wrong i was! lol
  9. lol there are a lot of idiots on maryhill rd- didnt mean all residents are idiots lol on offence meant
  10. i wasnt even in the zed! Lol we had a rented bmw 320
  11. 1st time for everything i suppose lol but here u cant get done by a camera if they get a photo of ur face but that was facing me thats why i ignored it. Was caught doin 37. Is there a difference with scottish and english laws in this?
  12. were they stolen? If not they prob will be by now lol
  13. coupe/cabrio look good, not too different from the g35, not sure about the saloon tho hows it look in the flesh? and is it just me or do the suvs have wierd proportions?
  14. LRF4N

    My Beauty!

    lookin good bud will be expecting to see that at some meets next yr! any other plans for the car? did u consider a black roof to tie in with ur spoiler and front bumper?
  15. interested in a flip, but not necessarily in carbon. will wait for final design before deciding
  16. spreading the impact is better- less pressure on ur chest etc cos its the same force over a bigger area think u may have a point tho stew lol
  17. developed by ford, wouldnt be surprised if these are standard in the future never been invloved in an accident but god forbid if u do i think these would be so much more comfortable lol http://www.worldcarfans.com/10911062293 ... elts-video
  18. funny- but this is the best family guy clip iv seen lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTsvEFdXPHM
  19. oh didnt realise that was the chilli chilli lol- never noticed the bonnet on it before. cars are lookin good folks
  20. will need to dig out my before pics lol, 3fiddy whos is the chilli beside urs?
  21. either this guy is very very daft to think that someone would go for him just cos of his fragrance... and even if they did that they would go for some1 wearing lynx... OR...maybe... hes very clever and is actually a gigilo just making the most of the ads and playing the "false advertising" card, taking them to court, forcing an out of court settlement and walking away with a heavier wallet lol
  22. LRF4N

    Interior updating

    lol yea that thing almost put me off buyin a zed! as long as u dont go that low husky ul be fine lol
  23. suppose hes proved its false advertising lol, bet hel get somethin from them!
  24. ...sue lynx!! http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/weird ... -21786843/ this poor lad didnt get the lynx effect in 7 yrs of trying lol not seen a pic but hes prob gonna sue the guy who planted the seeds for the ugly tree as well
  25. u want the members of the 350z club to chip in to by a club car.... and its not even a 350z lol and yep thats over £300k- how much cash u gonna run off with??
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