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Everything posted by LRF4N

  1. heres a few pics of my azure (the best colour)
  2. started it last sat before the dukes pass meet then gave it some more today washed with turtle wax big orange or something like that.... lol clayed, polished with auto glym super resin polish and waxed with dodo juice purple haze. wheels cleaned with auto glym custom wheel cleaner then today gave it another wash and waxed with megs tech wax gen 2, applied to the wheels also still to give it some tyre dressing (ran out) and will finish it off with some QD starting to turn heads again! lol heres the results (sorry about pic 2)
  3. ppl notice it from the other side of the uk since its colour change lol
  4. paul..... shut yer face!! lol were u drivin the zed neil? didnt notice u mate
  5. welcome mate lookin fwd to seein ur new motor plenty of zeds in our neck of the woods im not far from u in mearns like jay says keep ur eye on the scottish section there always a zed get-together going on
  6. no luck mate... Find him and send him my way- revenge dentist style! Il maybe even give u my uniform and let u loose on him lol
  7. 1. USA 2. mexico 3. honduras 4. brazil 5. paraguay 6. argentina................Ruddles 7. chile 8. uraguay 9. england 10. france 11. spain 12. portugal 13. netherlands 14. denmark 15. germany..................Irfan 16. switzerland 17. italy 18. slovakia 19. slovenia 20. serbia 21. greece 22. algeria 23. nigeria 24. ghana 25. ivory coast 26. south africa 27. cameroon 28. north korea 29. south korea 30. japan 31. australia 32. new zealand
  8. the world cups kicking off tonight folks instead of asking who u think will win why not start a sweepstake its free to enter and the prize is bragging rights for 1 min 42 secs id like to see argentina or holland win but i think germany will pip it 1. USA 2. mexico 3. honduras 4. brazil 5. paraguay 6. argentina 7. chile 8. uraguay 9. england 10. france 11. spain 12. portugal 13. netherlands 14. denmark 15. germany..................Irfan 16. switzerland 17. italy 18. slovakia 19. slovenia 20. serbia 21. greece 22. algeria 23. nigeria 24. ghana 25. ivory coast 26. south africa 27. cameroon 28. north korea 29. south korea 30. japan 31. australia 32. new zealand
  9. there was a guy interested but hes not replied to my msgs for a while so i presume hes no longer interested
  10. my next project will be an SL but not yet dont worry lol
  11. stew the SL will hopefully be accompanied by a 1 series on the driveway for her. she aint driving the zed and she def aint driving the SL! lol taking pride in a yaris... thats one way of putting it. the other way of putting it is sucking up lol neil il be trying megs on ur gnashers when ur in mate- get u like this
  12. cheers guys marzman i WISH i had a shot behind the wheel!! lol was in the passenger seat on the way in and the back seat of the roller on the way back. both cars are awesome
  13. cheers rich and shut it craig im just getting myself in the good books before i start a 7 hour detail on the zed lol
  14. thought id give her car a proper welcome to the family lol black 56 plate that had rarely seen a sponge so gave it a good clean inside, washed it, clayed it and one coat of megs tech wax gen 2. didnt take any before pics cos wasnt expecting such a good result but i was quite impressed. didnt know it was metallic til i clayed it lol. now that iv done hers she wont mind the zed getting so many hours of attention lol didnt do the full works cos il change it for something bigger in the not to distant future cue the needs spacers jokes.....
  15. spent half an hour copying and pasting links from photobucket into a new thread for the honeymoon photos and it wasnt putting up the pics, something about not being able to determine dimensions of the image? didnt do anything differently so not sure why it said that but heres a link for that album http://s547.photobucket.com/albums/hh46 ... ?start=all
  16. thanks folks, glad u liked. i dont have the legs for a kilt lol so went with the trusty old suit
  17. as most of u know i got married a couple of months ago and uv waited long enough for the photos lol but its been pretty hectic inluding our honeymoon in dubai. loads of pics from there so il keep that a separate thread. anyhoo her names rizwana and the wedding was over 2 days, heres a few of the pics, enjoy... ps dont laugh at my aladdin shoes! the wedding cars- gallardo spyder and roller the proud husband to be and the cars for day 2.... couldnt leave the zed out could i?? closely followed by my old mans beamer pics from day 1 the competition for my zed and day 2 il add a link to the thread for my honeymoon pics once iv done it
  18. good luck with the sale mate, ul be sad to see it go..... but the GTR itch will be the best itch uv ever scratched lol
  19. surely that goes down as the best 1st post on this forum??
  20. paul used to do headlight mods i think hes started them again, send him a PM (P15UL T)
  21. LRF4N

    Car Wrapping

    iv always said purple would suit the zed that looks stunning attak. how about turquoise never seen that
  22. SL wont be for a while yet mate il check ur thread out now
  23. thats ok... Forgot ur name as well! Lol did u post pics of ur exhaust?
  24. heres some food for thought mate http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc64/javdeezy/B.jpg http://www.streetperformance.com/ART/pr ... 53_DC6.jpg http://www.wheeltrends.com/images/tenzo ... blkred.jpg just get a cheap set and paint them- u can lie about the cost on here lol and save the rest for a rear bumper!
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