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Everything posted by LRF4N

  1. I’m not sure what’s more impressive- how you repaired the lawnmower or how that damage happened in the first place
  2. Try the pedal dance to read the code
  3. Welcome back. What are you driving just now? Did you not have a G37 after your zed or was that someone else?
  4. Had my eye on this spot for a while. Was waiting for the cosmetic mods to complete before getting photos but it’s due to be demolished soon so went there earlier today More shots in my build thread https://www.350z-uk.com/topic/120042-red-350gt-update-new-wheels/page/4/?tab=comments#comment-1806356
  5. Made a simple but effective mod on the Lexus then went for the same paint effect on the Infiniti badge Gloss black surround with the grille and Infiniti badge with a light layer of metallic silver
  6. Painted the dipstick, coolant and washer fluid caps. Too many colours before for my liking
  7. Sounds like minor issues. Nothing to suggest scrapping it? Prioritise your list and work through the issues one at a time
  8. 3 threads on this already. How many more to follow?
  9. I prefer the 50th anniversary GTR in bayside blue. Would’ve been better without the white though https://www.motor1.com/news/345032/nissan-gt-r-anniversary-bayside-blue/
  10. I had a guy rubbernecking when I passed him in my Skyline. On the motorway, downhill, stop/start traffic He was too busy checking out the car that he didn’t realise the traffic was slowing -BANG- Straight into the car in front
  11. A few have the superman look. Never been a fan myself Also not a fan of blue interiors, yet to see one that looks half decent
  12. I don’t mind the brown lol. Look forward to seeing what you come up with
  13. Yep great little car on the twisties but wasn’t really me. Sold it after 18 months and only drove it a few hundred miles. But tripled my money on it and spent the winnings on the 350gt so win-win
  14. I love the way you analyse stuff Colin
  15. It says it further down in the article. 3 thousand something model 3s, no mention of the rest
  16. https://www.motor1.com/news/315463/tesla-model-3-top-seller-europe/ Apparently outselling everything else in the segment so far. When’s the uk release? (I’m sure GZ will inform us )
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