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Everything posted by LRF4N

  1. Ah it’s you who we couldn’t get a hold of PM me your number and I’ll add you into the whatsapp group
  2. Perfect. I think there’s 2 stands, @wvSTUwv booked one and apparently the facebook group has booked a stand but they haven’t replied
  3. Did you get a ticket on time? The deadline was 2 weeks ago but we have someone dropping out, need to check if you can take theirs
  4. Welcome along. Small group of us going to japfest I think only 5 on the stand. Which stand are you booked on?
  5. So what happened to hating kids??
  6. More than welcome to our pram but it’s a bit of a trek
  7. Congrats! I’ve got 2 daughters, 3 and 6. They both test me but love them to bits, wouldn’t change it for the world
  8. Agree with bbk that’s extortionate
  9. Is he into his Z clothing and watches? Hope not, but if he is that could make a nice gift Also someone was selling some Z memorabilia on here, can’t remember if it was a dvd or book
  10. Yea was thinking shipping wouldn’t make an oz present worthwhile With the key ring I didn’t mean that alone, that would be a bit crap
  11. I think he meant he’s in oz and his dad is here? A detail is a good idea. He’ll appreciate it looking at it and driving and easy to organise from afar Is he into exterior mods? If you want something subtle could do side steps or zunsport grille etc Keyrings and air fresheners always work well too
  12. It’s not so bad at home. Was worse when I was using a watering can at a show. True story But you’re probably right it’s more the rinsing than the shampoo
  13. Quite impressed with the we’ve managed to hijack this thread.... sorry stan! I have bathe+ and was looking for a new detailer as well so might go with the wetcoat Quick question re bathe+, I get really odd streak marks if I do t dry it straight away. Almost like someone has tried to airbrush some flames onto the paint Only used a small amount of it in a full bucket but didn’t measure it am I using too much?
  14. It’s gloss red so yep looking for a slick gloss On the first detail I did clay, poorboys black hole, then the nattys blue. The black hole left a nice finish but couldn’t see the difference after the wax Its due a machine polish which I’ll do at some point this month but looking for a decent wax to top it off. Unless I go down the ceramic coating route The first wax I used was megs tech wax which is still the glossiest I’ve used yet Dodo juice purple haze gave me excellent water repelling but was still less glossy In summary, yes I want glossy
  15. Looks good. I was more concerned about the finish on a dry car than beading Is the auto balm a sealant? @ilogikal1 how did you find the blue wax compared to others?
  16. Ah ok I didn’t know that. I’ve got the blue one. Bought it on polished bliss I think, that was the only one I saw when looking didn’t see any others
  17. Which nattys paste wax? I didn’t realise there were different types, thought there was just one. I’ll check
  18. Pics? I bought nattys paste wax after seeing it mentioned a few times. Easy to apply but didn’t have a glossy finish like most waxes. Least glossy wax I’ve used, didn’t like it
  19. Ok thanks I’ll check the size tonight
  20. Yep but it’s different to the exterior badges. Smaller and flat from what I can see
  21. Anyone have one lying around? For a 350gt so needs to be a Nissan badge not a Z. Mine came with an Infiniti badge but it doesn’t fit well Asked Asad but he doesn’t have these badges
  22. When I’ve forgotten to add something into a for sale thread I’ve been sent messages asking me to edit. As col says it’s probably just been missed with other things going on for admin pm @SuperStu he will probably locate it without you having to retype it
  23. I booked Japfest Donington instead. Was tempted by trax but went with the all jap show and hopefully better weather than October Only 5 on our stand and the majority from Scotland
  24. Did a bit on the battery cover and surround, will do the same to the brake fluid cover when I source one Needs a bit more work before lacquer but happy with the look so far
  25. https://www.350z-uk.com/topic/124028-engine-cover-project/?do=getNewComment Been playing around with spray paint in the engine bay
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