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Envy Valeting

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Everything posted by Envy Valeting

  1. so, what is tomorrows car? Todays car now tomorrows car is a Honda Civic, todays will have to wait til Monday as I've overdone it and MUST rest!
  2. IMHO yes, easy to apply and buff. Leave it on as long or short as you like and it rewards good prep work 110%. I'm not sure its 5 x the price better but it is better
  3. Thankyou all very much. Yes older Cayennes you cant give them away. I keep trying to get her indoors to swap the Touran for one, she just says this.... Cyrstal Rock is pretty dear, but also pretty good. From memory it was around the £500 RRP but that was RRP if you get my drift:lol: I had a really nice day on this, but tomorrow......I'd do tomorrows car for free
  4. Swissvax Crystal Rock, not used it in a while so I'm glad this beauty came along. Normal wash process but tried s snow foam sample I'd received for testing I knew the claying was going to be bad as the paint felt very rough as I dried the car. Clay used Dodo Gentle grey. Paint cleansed with Dodo Juice Lime prime via the PC. Felt very silky and smooth after, ready for the Crystal Rock annointing. Whilst I left the wax to cure I dressed tyres, cleaned glass etc etc. Interior was hoovered, leather cleansed and conditioned. Plastics dressed, interior glass and vanity mirrors cleaned. Afters as follows: A rather pleasant way to spend the day Tim
  5. Its mains powered, not petrol. Bought mine from www.malcleanse.co.uk and haggled;)
  6. I know its a lot of money but shop around and I got mine for £320 NEW. The money I've wasted on Karchers, jeepers! Try the Nilfisk/Kew/Alto range. Thats my 2nd longest lasting one!
  7. The Kranzle 7120 I have does this, its brilliant and will even take water from 2m underground. Works with or without mains pressure so is ideal for my vans water tank.Once I ran out of water and it was happy to operate from water in a bucket. I'd steer clear of Karcher, its a brand we've all heard of and thats why they sell so many. They dont last. I have had 3 in 3yrs, 1 Kew alto lasted 4 yrs, Lavor lasted 2 years and now on the Kranzle.
  8. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=19737
  9. now I feel ill!, but you are right about the brushes. Have a look in the traders section for a special 1 week only deal
  10. Yes indeed you want to squirt your foamy goodness all over your pride and joy......shudder!
  11. Yes they are well made and the knob adjusts the thickness of foam and you can also adjust the spray pattern. I'm sure they are £38.50 right now if your quick
  12. Hi Jim, I've not seen the JCB myself but I recommend you call them and ask. There are a lot of fitments out there and I'm sure they will do their best to cater for you
  13. Am I being thick or are you saying you're in Glasgow?! I know I travel a lot but......
  14. No problemo.Personally I'd get the autobrite one at the group buy price cos its such a lot cheaper than normal! Put it this way, I bought myself a spare! They do all fitments, Kew, Nilfisk, Alto, Karcher, Kranzle and will be able to sort you out easily. Call and ask for Mark, tell him I referred you and he'll look after you very well
  15. Prior to getting the snow foam, and the activo I used to get a pressurised sprayer (like at B+Q for weedkiller) and put a weak TFR mix into it and spray the cars. Leave to soak whilst you clean the wheels etc, then rinse with the hose before you get your hands on it so to speak.
  16. Thats right, post is done by weight so if you do buy a 5 litre bottle of SSF you are already in the heaviest post category as it weighs 5kg alone. RM is cheapest option up to 2kg, but then the cheapest option is to switch to carrier ( I use DHL) and its the same price be it 2kg or 24kg. If you hit the carrier rate its no more expensive (other than the cost of what you choose) on the postage. Regarding the Karcher foam thing you will get a sort of soapy bubble effect most likely but the cleaning ability will still be pretty much ok. Personally in a detail I work in the order wheels then pre soak the car with Espuma Activo then rinse after 5-10 mins. Foam with the SSF, allow to dwell and rinse and based on how clean it ends up I them may wash with a mitt etc and shampoo. On a previously detailed car its quite often clean enough after the SSF. On other occasions I foam a car and use a mitt with the SSF. Tim A basic list would be: Wheel cleaner (optional) Activo (optional) snow foam Shampoo...I deal in Dodo, 2 types Sour power and Born to be mild but Halfords do Meguiars gold class which is very good for the money.
  17. I do indeed sell my own brand SSF but dont like to ram stuff like that down peoples throats! if you find I have it and want some then thats cool Its chosen for its cleaning, foaming and also the most important is its eax and LSP friendly. I am currently doing a 10% off deal via paypal gifts, and as its difficult to set up automatically (and it not be open to abuse) I will refund 10% via paypal upon confirmation of forum status. Sadly I cant do 10% off postage as this is based upon actual costs and I dont charge for the packaging at all Best wishes Tim
  18. No, colour is not a big deal but personally I prefer SOLID colours like black, blue, red (and I include metallics in this) etc as its possible to see a HUGE transformation. Silver, white etc the differance is still there but harder to see with the naked eye if that makes sense?PM recieved thankyou and I have replied, but in short yes please!
  19. Thankyou very much for the praise I have a big grin on my face. Where are you? Nowhere is TOO far away, its just a case of making it a round trip I know what you mean about swirls, some see a clean shiny car. BUT people like us see a clean, shiny swirly car! PM me some details and I'll get back to you over the next couple of days if thats ok? I'm working away tomorrow and its going to be a long day. Tim
  20. The Karcher bottles like you see in Halfords wont give you the foam, more like the washing up water effect BUT and this applies to the breay post above, althought it wont look as impressive the cleaning ability should be as good. It wont cling as well as the foam but it will clean. Breay I dont think you will achieve what you want without a PW as a minimum start point:blush: Tim
  21. ^It would do you'd think but I can assure it doesnt/didnt!
  22. Lucky you! Wish I had an M3 , exhaust tips I used autosol and some FINE wirewool like you get at plumbers merchants or B+Q.
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