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Envy Valeting

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Everything posted by Envy Valeting

  1. Well once again I was lucky enough to be accosted by the "married blonde" (user name!) to go and do the new toy, a beautiful BMW 3 series has replaced the Z4M with some tasteful mods...see what you can spot OK to work, wheels washed with Espuma Revolution then shuts and fuel filler with G202. Once all that was out of the way it was time for Envy SSF Washed with TBM, AS Duet and a Detailer approved sponge! Dried off and time to clay with Dodo Gentle grey. Upper panels as expected. Lowers were worse The paint and car in general is in really good condition despite being subject to 700 miles a week but did a bit of wet sanding and polishing in some small areas. Once that was out of the way the paint was cleansed with..oh no, hang on...at this point my lovely customer provided me with an exquisite DOUBLE sausage and egg mcmuffin, the days just got a whole lot better. Suitably sustained on with the show, paint cleansed with Dodo Lime prime lite on the PC but with a 3m finishing pad today. All cleansed it was time to apply a coat of the fabled Swissvax Crystal Rock (seem to be using a lot of this!) and allowed it to cure whilst I: Chatted to the owner and Sam (2yr old) Worked on the suntan with a high grade Carnauba coating Polished the tail pipes with Autosol Dressed the tyres with AS Highstyle Cleaned the glass with Espuma Glass I now felt it was as good a time as any to buff off the Crystal Rock. Wanna see some afters? Where is the car?! Many thanks to the customer for today. Was nice to have a laugh and get some work done too. Hopefully a nice light hearted read for the end of the working week for you all. So how many mods have you spotted?! Tim
  2. Thats where he bought it from, I know what the guide will say without even reading it. The plug the Jeffs for all white and silver cars I'm on Scoobynet as Tim Bomford since 1999 LOL! Still had 5 scoobs so you could say I have an interest
  3. ^A little story for you Last year I did a white ED30 Golf with the customers own supplied Jeffs kit, a month later he called me back and I did it with Dodo Diamond white! This year I've just been to give it its 1st birthday present and used Dodo Supernatural http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/forum/s ... p?t=107915 He gave me his Jeffs kit to sell for him, nuff said I have used both and for me I get better results on white with wax
  4. Yup you read it right! Paint correction detail on a C4S. Interesting arm rest, fitted by previous owner. Destined for the bin as part of the clean up! Door shuts cleaned with APC, in this case G202 Wheels cleaned with Espuma Revolution, followed by a TFR mix Rinsed and washed with Astro shampoo via TBM etc. Dried to look like this. So why are we doing the correction? Due to the amount of tar present I used Tardis The car was then clayed. Due to the condition of the paint I used Dodo Juice Purposeful Purple and this stage took 3 hrs:doublesho Took some measurements, lowest This paved the way to break out the Metabo and start polishing. Good early indications, rough 50/50 using the wing/bonnet as the line End of day 1 Day 2 saw a full day of machine polishing which was best described as a nightmare. Sticky paint, rock hard paint, ok paint. I had it all. Used every polish and pad I possessed (and I've got a few!) and every panel was different and typically required no less than 5 hits. Hit with an aggressive pad and polish, then refined at a later stage. End of day 2 Day 3 saw me refine the bonnet with Swissvax CF pro and a 3M blue pad and then start the clean up, and boy was there a lot to clean up:buffer: De dusted from the top down using brushes, compressed air and a lot of elbow grease. Once this was done the paint was cleansed with Dodo Juice Lime prime, the PC and a medium pad from the purveyor of Rubbish:) Wax today was Swissvax Crystal Rock and I applied 2 coats at 2hr intervals, and left to cure for 1 hr each time. Whilst the wax cured I set about buffing tail pipes, cleaning glass, dressing tyres with AS Highstyle etc etc. Arm rest sorted:) Interior hoovered, leather cleansed and conditioned. Dash and plastics cleansed etc, glass... One last one The correction did not go to plan at all, and I'm grateful to the owner for the extra day allowed Total time 25hrs, 18 of which with the Metabo in my hands. Thanks for looking Tim
  5. His paint gauge looks smaller than mine and a different way of getting a reading Tyre foam is great if you like shiny EVERYTHING! In short, no I'm not worried but he could learn...........
  6. Very good and some expensive tyres on it too!
  7. Thats the one Stew, I have the top one Before I went pro I had the little one but sold it on eBay as it couldnt cope with the bubblicious bubbles that the bubbleometer blew
  8. Post "robbed" from another forum as I took no pictures. Many thanks to Steve for the repeat business and excellent hostage yesterday:thumb: Well guys, my car’s a year old this week, so I thought I’d treat it to some tlc. I asked my buddy Tim from Envy Valeting to come and work his magic... and today was the day. Thankfully the weather was fine (even sunny for a couple of hours) and Tim spent nearly 8hrs on an extrernal and internal detail. Products used were either Espuma or DoDo and I’m dead chuffed with the results. I’ve put a link below showing the process, however I didn’t stand outside for the whole day (so there’s a couple of processes missing) it went something like this... Clean wheels with Espuma Revolution, rinse car, apply light foam to remove traffic film/tar, rinse, Snowfoam, rinse, wash with mitt, clay using DoDo, machine polish, Apply DoDo wax, clean windows, apply glass sealant, dress wheels and rubber parts. Then hoover and dress the interior. Job Done! enjoy... Hope this Photobucket thing works first time I’ve done it!
  9. 512BB is the model that followed it, plus the chassis badge etc all said 365;)
  10. LOL yeah Immy, it was a company car that was being sold so it had to look a bit better!
  11. Handy.... I think if I give then a chance and get used to them they'll be good BUT I swap hands a lot as I work and found it a bit awkward initially Stew.
  12. Greetings all! 2 easy ones from earlier in the week. Straight forward valets really but I didnt mind as had the Ferrari to look forward to (Business) Park Life Next.... Something new to try from our friends at Autoglym, peculiar to hold but work as its supposed to. I used the MF one to do the glass. Now for the highlight in the diary. Ferrari 365 GT BB Nice start to the day Thats an engine Best pic ever? Hope you like it LSP was 2 x coats of Swissavx Crystal Rock. Tim
  13. 1/ Steve Burns 2/ ClarCE 3/ H5 4/ M13KYF 5/ Digsy (subject to still having a Zed... teeth ) 6/ martinmac 7/ M350ZB 8/ Chesterfield 9/ Shire 10/ Arkwright 11/ Jakthe Ruby 12. Rob Gaskin 13. Nidge74. 14. tulip 15. Mr Ex & Jr 16. 260Z TT in my 260z, and Gill & Jay in the new addition 350z roadster! 17. Russ 18. Saz 19. Andy 20. Darkside TT (Neil) + 1 and 2 children 21. Zogg 22. Lisa & Dave 23. Steve-300ZX 24. Nickz32 + Jodie 25. Funkyboogalooo 26. zpuppy+ Mrs zpuppy 27. snowygt 28. madmarco 29. Murt 30. Legrath 31. Bee Gee Vinz 32. Krsmayo 33. Croeso 34. Guynkate (and maybe 2 kids 35. Madden ( last meet as a single man ) 36. Envy Valeting (will also wanting to do the "trader thing") Martin can you let me know who to get in touch with about this, and also advise on what stock you guys might want me to bring. I'd suggest bulky stuff as postage is always the killer!
  14. In my experience it reduces things on the bubbleometer scale regarding ssf.
  15. That is correct but then it makes the foaming process expensive as you'll get through that big bottle in no time! I use between 120 and 200ml, so probably close to an inch in the bottle. I have found cold water works best for me too.
  16. Glad you are pleased and appreciate the thanks;) Looks good. As others have said I tend to wind the screw right in for a thicker foam spray, and your welcome to some Envy SSF when the times comes and its being reformulated soon too for faster working/less dwell time.
  17. Nice work that man, sorry to hear about the knee
  18. I think it was 5yrs old for the correction pic The Civic is less that 2yrs old.
  19. Nice Honda Civic type S today. Full protection detail using Swissvax Saphir as LSP. All carried out as per usual MO so I'll let the pics do the talking on this occasion.... and last but not least...hopefully coming soon, a correction detail (this is not the Honda's paint BTW!) Yummy! Tim
  20. YES!!!!!!!!!! How I love to do these. Been waiting for this once since October and here she is at long last Japanese import signed by Mika Biasion in excellent condition. Some befores: Booked in for a protection detail, both inside and out. I worked in reverse as the car was nice and hot from its drive to the unit, so did the interior 1st then once cool it was washed as per usual. Wheels 1st, Activo, rinsed and washed with the TBM method etc. Dried indoors. The car was clayed, then paint cleansed by PC with LP ready for the wax. Crystal Rock again for this beauty. Beat this for online shine.... and finally I'm in love with a 15 yr old Italian Tim
  21. Cheers Bronzee and CS Regarding 5 x better beauty is in the eye of the beholder I suppose BUT when it runs out I'll certainly get another pot
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