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Envy Valeting

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Everything posted by Envy Valeting

  1. i've put in an order and paid with the discount code, made the mistake of browsing page at a time and just kept adding stuff to the list, my wallet was gladd you had sold out of one or 2 things look forward to getting the order, its under the same username as here, rtbiscuit, or if it doesn't show that, its Richard Thompson from kesgrave in suffolk Order received many thanks Richard, just waiting from 1 of your prize items to come through and then it's on its way..hopefully tomorrow morning
  2. Its very good mate and 1 pump per average bucket so a little goes a long way. Seems expensive at 1st glance but its super concentrated so it works out as good value.
  3. am i right in thinking that lime and prime is like a polish, and a sealant in one. also i'm sure i remember reading somwhere to only use the lite on japanese paint work as the paint is soft. and that the lite was better for jap paint, is that right? and yes i would love to add the red mist and lime prime lite to the order do you want me to pm you to put the order to gether or go through your shop? The Lime prime/prime lite are solely paint cleansers and as such offer no protection. Thats where the wax comes in mate. I'd say the Lite will suit you better mate. Go through the shop then it'll do the discount for you and give you an invoice mate. I'll add the other stuff to your order and ship it as one
  4. For silver cars, in order of price: Rainforest rub, the entry Dodo Juice wax generic for ALL colours Light Fantastic, good for lighter colour cars Supernatural, top of the range. Good for all colours. I have a pot of Rainforest, and have 6 of the Supernatural panel pots which are big enough to do a car 6-8 times easily and give you an idea if you like it or not I also have 6 of the Blue Velvets which are by far the most popular and suited to darker cars and I use that and supernatural mostly. RTBiscuit, if you are looking to add to your prize I'd suggest some Lime Prime or Lime Prime Lite and perhaps some Red Mist.
  5. I already have mate, I already have...ready when you are
  6. Ok after Zedfest I've found myself seriously overstocked with Dodo Juice and Meguiars products so I'm offering the 350z forum 1 week of discounted goodies. Visit www.envyvaleting.co.uk/products.asp and shop away happily. When you are done enter the code 350z when it asks you at checkout to reveal your new, discounted price. Hopefully it'll make you smile and remember me next time you need some stuff 1 week only from....now! Best wishes Tim
  7. Thanks Stew, yes I am Swissvax approved. Hi there good choice on the paint protection though durability will depend on the wax used, how often you wash it and of course what you use. If you use detergent it'll last from the time applied til the time you use the fairy liquid LOL. The original process probably would have been the traditional wash, clay cleanse then wax regime that a lot of us detailers follow. Swissvax, Zymol and the like all recommend the paint cleansing bi-annually and generally top up the wax as and when you start to see the beading tail off. I advise my customers that 2 full details, and 2 top ups are the ideal scenario. Obviously budget of the individual comes into it. The wax wont prevent swirls occurring sadly but it will provide a layer of protection. The cleaner fluid stage nourishes the paint (ie helps to stop paint fade as mentioned) and the wax is the icing on the cake. Be happy to have a look at the car and detail it for you. My website is www.envyvaleting.co.uk if you'd like to take a look. All my contact is on the site too. Look forward to hearing from you Tim
  8. 1. martinmac 2. Darren-B 3. Envy Valeting (want to be a trader price permitting ) Thanks for the heads up Martin, gonna need a big caravan and a lot of wax
  9. Not sure what happened to my reply there?! Its very easy to apply. Apply in small circles with the foam applicator and very thin layers (you will only be able to see "smeary" marks if you have applied it thinly enough), allow to haze. The pot says 10 mins but I prefer a good hour myself. Gives me time to clean the interior, dress tyres, etc.
  10. No worries at all Rich, again what to suggest?Well the Dodo Juice Supernatural panel pots retail at £14.75 and are enough to do a car like a Z about 5-7 times if you are running short on wax and are a good taster of what good waxes they make (ask Stew about his Supernatural pot!!), throw in some foam applicators and a couple of microfibres and you're there...any good to you? that sounds perfect, much appreciated, how easy is the supernatural stuff to apply, i've been looking at stepping up from the meg's range but didn't want to get ahead of myself with something that was aimed for more professional people. but i get the feeling this is good stuff
  11. No worries at all Rich, again what to suggest?Well the Dodo Juice Supernatural panel pots retail at £14.75 and are enough to do a car like a Z about 5-7 times if you are running short on wax and are a good taster of what good waxes they make (ask Stew about his Supernatural pot!!), throw in some foam applicators and a couple of microfibres and you're there...any good to you?
  12. Hi Wayne, congratulations on the . Well deserved IMHO though all the entries were good from Brummy bird and the clay man, to the more seasoned old hands so to speak.What are you after and what do you want to achieve? I carry a LOT of Dodo Juice and have just placed an order for some more Blue Velvet wax (and will have that later this week)...could suit you but thats £30 odd out of your prize I also have meguiars, espuma, own branded items etc. Let me look back at your pics and see what you might need.... Edit: Had a look and you have no wheel wax...Rimwax any good to you? metal polish...want some proper stuff? Dodo Juice "Time to dry" maybe? decisions decisions...
  13. Well you certainly got it dirty, and looks a lot better now!
  14. Yeah, I chose to stay in the "hotel" bar and sit on the laptop instead of rioting with the others. Think I should start a Cumbrian detailing group buy at this rate
  15. Health Physics Tech, but only visited a few times. Not to do any real work LOL. We were looking how you BNFL guys did it
  16. Yeah, I hose to stay in the "hotel" bar and sit on the laptop instead of rioting with the others. Think I should start a Cumbrian detailing group buy at this rate
  17. Oh yeah, you may well mock..at least I only visited the place. You lived there for 26 year You can check out anytime you like but you can never leave...........Would you believe I've just had an enquiry from Whitehaven...typical! I'll be seeing you soon again possibly Where the hell are you advertising. Must have a leaflet in Sellafield tea room from when I worked there
  18. Oh yeah, you may well mock..at least I only visited the place. You lived there for 26 year You can check out anytime you like but you can never leave...........Would you believe I've just had an enquiry from Whitehaven...typical! I'll be seeing you soon again possibly
  19. Yeah man, sure were!The Clio was my fave too I have to say...does it show in the work then?!
  20. Too kind, too kind indeed! Yeah the 350's have not a lot of paint too, but even more on the scary side. This had v little but it was hard. Nissan is generally v little but soft ie you have to go very steady...if you can do anything at all A paint gauge is a must for both cars before you eb=ven think about doing anythink like this IMHO.
  21. This was what my Lake District trip was really about, but I'm very glad to the customer for rustling up an extra days work. Usual wash procedure of Espuma Revolution, Envy Brushes and Bubbly Jubbly. Rinsed and washed with Dodo Juice Sour Power. Rinsed and dried. Once that was out of the way it was time to look at the defects. As the washing was out of the way it was time to clay. Dodo Juice Gentle grey, my fave. Now I should mention that the car was as rough as a badgers Ar$e to touch, really was like sandpaper so this was a night and day procedure to the customer!!! Paint thickness was a real problem this time, one of the higher readings.... Now based on this I really wanted to take it easy so started gently like you do, but in the end the only thing (and I kid you not) to touch it was FCP and UF mixed in my "BMW mix" bottle. It took a good 2-3 hits to get out as much as I dared, so you will see some RDS's in the "after" pics, but I was not prepared to push it! Last pic of day 1 of the correction Day 2 I carried on where I left off Once all the machining was done the car was de-dusted and cleansed with LPL. The LSP...some say you cant mention its name on this forum...lets just say I used a Vintage wax made by someone or other... Whilst the aged wax cured, I set about cleaning glass, buffing tail pipes, dressing tyres and that stuff. When that was all done I buffed off the beast to a nice glossy shine. I then rang the owner, told him to get home and he arrived with a BEAMING smile!!!!!I was a bit of a $hit though, and made him make me a coffee before I opened the garage door LOL A dull and overcast day when when I left, the owner saved getting the car put til the weather was fine, and I got some pictures today via email...enjoy! Wanted to see Martinmac on the way back but we passed each other in the blinding wind and rain...what a day to drive to Yorkshire! Thanks for looking Tim
  22. Yup back to the Lakes again, not one to be put off by 330 miles in the van! Drove up last Saturday via a customer in Worcester:) Spent the night in Barrow in Furness to find the locals call the area I was in "The Gaza strip". It was noisy at night thats for sure...Martinmac confirmed this to me at the weekend!! Day 1: 3 cars to do but all quickies. Washed with Espuma Revolution, Envy Brushes and Bubbly Jubbly. Rinsed and washed with TBM, guards and a Zymol sponge. Dried off and given and coat of AutoSmart Platinum. Tyres dressed with RD50 and glass with Espuma Glass green. A good days work and excellent customers too. Day 2 was what the trip was really about...part 2 coming soon! Thanks for looking Tim
  23. This has been coming for a year or longer! I was contacted by John to correct his R32 last year and on the day ended up doing his beautiful BMW Mini instead. Today I went back, but not to correct the R32. A straightforward detail was the order of the day. Last years Mini lurking in the background.. Well, as per usual I started with the wheels. Envy Brushes, EZ detail and today AS smartwheels Now the Bubbly Jubbly Clayed with Dodo gentle grey Once this was over I cleansed the paint via PC with Dodo Lime Prime, and sealed the car with Chemical Guys "Wet Mirror Finish". Tyres dressed with AS Highstyle, plastic with 303, glass with Espuma glass green, interior hoovered (as John had already Gliptone'd the seats). Exhaust polished with Autosol to leave it looking pretty damn pretty. A day of showers so please excuse the dull pics, and some of them are wet as I had to be quick! Dragon Yellow Mini Now for the Mini, just a quick job. It was subject to a wash (1st time I've washed once since I had my Clubman about 16yrs ago!), dry and once over with AS Platinum via the PC. Tyres dressed, glass cleaned. Enjoy! Before: After: Thanks for looking Tim
  24. I did this last year for a correction and loved the little thing. Waxed up and clean she's simply stunning. A shorter account today.... Wheels cleaned with AS smart wheels and Envy Brushes, foamed with Bubbly Jubbly, rinsed and washed with DG shampoo, tbm and a Z sponge. Another day, another clay...dodo gentle grey Paint cleansed via PC with LPL and a coat of Best of Show added. Allowed to cure for an hour or so whilst I Black Wow'd, glass'd, tyre'd, and polished the tail pipes. Wax buffed to look like: And finally a reminder of what a protection detail can achieve... Before: and after: Massive difference! Thanks for looking. Tim
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