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Everything posted by bhavin85

  1. Ok ill give that a crack... how did you do it...heat the oven up for 10 mins at 190 then switch off and leave the lights in there? also did you remove all of the connectors? or did you leave those on?
  2. Yeh - dont do it. Its bloody difficult!! Easiest bet is to use a heatgun - like a paint stripper, and a flat blade screwdriver. But the glue they are held toegther with is like tar, and it is really manky stuff.... it is not something i'd like to do again in a hurry. personally i woulndnt use a screwdriver, patientence and a strong grip is all thats needed its takes a bit longer than you think to open them up , use a medium heat and dont leave the heat gun on a single part for to long or it will distort the lens or plastic Patience... that might be the best bit of advise yet.... i was impatient, and tried to use a screwdriver to pry them open. Paul, what do you do with the black goo... scrape it out or leave it where it is? That black goo is epoxy resin...thats what holds the seal tight and stops the moisture from getting in...I would recommend keeping as much of it in there as possible! I just tried to open my headlights and failed miserably on the first step...they dont even fit in my oven ... so I guess the only way I can do this is buy getting a heat gun ?
  3. Sold - Pending Payment .... time to get my new front end sorted
  4. Any tips on opening up the headlights? Im going to have a crack at my facelift set this weekend
  5. x 2 they serviced my zed a few weeks ago and went over and beyond what was required. Very impressed with them and highly recommended
  6. that would be my guess aswell...get the old girl off the ground and rotate the wheel with your hands and you might be able to locate the noise
  7. good stuff Ive just sorted myself out a bundlebox account so plan on getting these and a few other bits shipped at the same time!
  8. no worries bud...i will probably order some of the pre-cut vinyl from the US this weekend, so if you want some l givem e a shout
  9. bhavin85


    for that level of coilover id probably go with MeisterR, he definetly knows his stuff and is a very big hit over on the civic forums. His kits are 200 odd quid cheaper then BC's
  10. +1 , this will only work on +06 headlights if you have the older style them what jay has is the closest you will get with out becoming illegal I am planning on doing this to my 06+ headlights in the next month or so...after that ill have a spare set of 06+ headlights up for sale
  11. x2! Running this as a CAI will also mean you wont suffer from heat soak
  12. If they do the 19's in Flat bronze ill probably be up for a set!
  13. x 2 that is probably the issue...the amp isnt turning on hence no sound....check your wires again
  14. The damage is only to the laquer, nothing major and not something you would see unless you were actually looking at it. Really cant beat the price of this lip...especially as it is like new!
  15. There are a few small spider cracks in the laquer...its nothing major and doesnt affect the strength of the lip. They are hardly noticable tbh ....but I didnt want to sell the lip without making the potential buyer aware
  16. DO IT!! I love the TE37's if I could afford another set of wheels they would be the TE37's in Bronze everytime! I often wondered why no one had copied the TE37's before...we should try and get one of the traders on here to become retailers for that wheel...they would make a killing!
  17. I think you forgot to attach the pic bud
  18. Front does look low...a few mm up and thats a pretty good stance...there was a guide on here about how to adjust coilovers recently failing that have a look around on google and youtube...you willl find osme useful info. I think your turning the rears the wrong way
  19. Ive already tried but he doesnt want the Seibon front lip as he has already had one. thanks for the help though bud
  20. The fault is definetly in the unit as it works when the radio is on but not with the cd Have a look at the Pioneer D3, great unit, alittle bit old now so you will be able to pick them up for a decent price.
  21. these are long gone...but if I can get my hands on another set of unused Eibachs for 190ish, if your interested drop me a pm
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