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Everything posted by Venom

  1. Thanks for that, Where is the best place to get parts like this from then, be in genuine or very good replica parts please?? I should be gettin my ZED in the new year but without the aero kit so would do it myself after I've got the car.
  2. I thought these were called N1 kits or are the V1 and N1 the same??
  3. Whats best too search for then please, as you type in search and you get pages upon pages of stuff that isnt really what i'm looking for? so a 276 is the max power you can get out of it and the same goes of the 297??
  4. I'm looking for something 06 and onwards, as long as its to the spec i want. In terms of performance you say that the 276 and 296 models have more mods for them, what are the best mods to get good gains out of them to get them closer or over 300 bhp please?
  5. I cant get over how much of a difference there is. I currently drive an MG ZS180 with the 2.5ltr V6 and this is on a 51 plate and eventualy I would have to pay something like £420 a year on road TAX but yet I can go out and get an early or late model 350Z and depending on year either pay half of what I would be paying on the ZS or pay the same amount as the ZS (if not a little cheaper) for something that is 3.5ltrs and a newer car.......Just goes to show that the enigne in my ZS must be killing trees and little rabbits everytime I start her up (not that thats a problem at all.....lol)
  6. What is different on the headlights then with and early and late medel of ZED then please? I'm looking for an 06-07 296 model in reality. Do these come with the rear LED lights too? I was thinking along the lines that the 309 models would be hard to tune/mod as the engine was near to its peak anyways.
  7. Are the later engines then with the higher bhp have more issues then or is it just something you can feel when driving that the early models felt better.....?? I'm looking to get a 296 ZED but will settle for a 276 if it has the correct spec?? Another question I know the new models rev up to 8k is this only on the 309s or also on the 296s too please??
  8. Are these rates for the year or for 6 months.......?
  9. With the GT4 did they also come in Black....? Just looking on auto traider and searching for GT4 and it comes up with Yellow and Black Z's....?
  10. Hi all, I'm looking to buy a 350Z but a little lost as to what is out there for me to spend my moneys on lol. I searched the forum but was unable to fins anything that could help me. I'm a little confused as to what different types of Z there are out there and what trip to look for? Here is what I understand so far but if someone can put reg dates to some of these so that I know what year of car to look for when looking please....Right here we go, I undestand there is....... std 350Z (275bhp) std 350Z GT4 pack (275bhp) 350Z with Nismo Aero Kit (275bhp) 350Z S-tune (bhp.......?) MKII 350Z (300bhp) now I'm not sure on all this but I'm after a newer one with the 300bhp but will quite happly take and older one if it has the Nismo kit or is an S-tune (if such a thing is avalable in the UK and if someone could tell me the bhp please?) Also is there such models of S-tune in the newer 350Z with the 300bhp std? Any help would be very helpful thankyou.
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