THE best speech I have ever heard, and the one I agree with every single word of!
Why is the Muslim community being singled out here?
As a muslim I completely disagree with the protests that were carried out but at the same time I'm completely against the bullsh1t war waged on Iraq which was completely illegal and immoral. But put yourselves in our position-the mainstream muslims that are a majority. ALl it takes is a a bunch of pillocks calling themselves muslims to tarnish out whole image. Its frustrating beyond belief but at least utilise some common sense and realise that these people don't represent all muslims (over 1.5billion of us).
Obviously people of all religions are going to wish their religious views are applied where ever they live. However, the media and the general populace in the west seem to think that all muslims have some sort of identity crisis and clammer towards Islamic Sharia in a desperate attempt to fit in. That isn't the case at all as its only a small minority of muslims who are so 'aggresively' pursuing Sharia's implementation.
Bear in mind that when the Prophet Muhammed (p.b.u.h) and his followers went to Acre, he commanded his followers to respect the law of the land even though the customs were alien to them. That's the general rule that applies to all muslims and even more so in Christian countries as Christians and Jews are regarded as 'People of the Book'. Yes not all muslims follow this but there are black sheep in every community....and considering Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world with over 1.5 billion followers, you're bound to get idiots that don't follow or understand the full extent of their faith.
It really winds me up when people go into a Daily Mail-esque sort of sensationalist rant with little application of logic at all. Some people need to get educated and realise that not all muslims are going to spontaneously combust when you're on the tube or a plane (I'm not implying that anyone here thinks along those lines lol).
There are other more important issues to consider such as immigration, employment, education, rape, alcoholism, poverty etc that we should be concerned with. Please scrutinise all facets of the governments policies please. (again not implying that this isn't the case here)