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Everything posted by davidmillzy

  1. Yeh the fitter at Revolution said that one adjustable hanger will sort the problem out. I supposed you could ask when you call if it would be worth buying two then you have the option to adjust the left and right to suit the gap you want between your bumper. The hangers come in either shocking yellow or illuminous green.
  2. Looks great.. you got the best colour too mate LOL:teeth:
  3. Ive ordered them through a company called Revolution website www.revolution247.com and they order the part from powerflex. Give them a call iam sure they'll help you out mate. Hope this helps
  4. Will do mate. Ive just had the P3 service done on saturday and hoping to get new Discs and brakes fit this weekend from the dealer.
  5. I havent had time to get the new bushes fit mate, but looking at getting them done soon
  6. Hope you like..... more to follow hopefully when the snow goes LOL
  7. Yeh mate heres a few pics of the car before the snow hit get some updated asap.
  8. Hi ive been to my garage today and the rubber hangers to solve the problem with the exhaust are from powerflex www.powerflex.co.uk . the problem is that the rubber bushes that come with the cars original exhaust are made for holding a heavier system and when putting on a stainless system which is alot lighter, the back box gets lifted slightly causing the tailpipes to touch the bumper and look offset. Hope this helps. Good news for me today, my car is due a service and possible discs and pads change and after going to see the nissan dealer i bought my car from in november last year has said my service and replacement parts will be free due to a mistake by themselves as the car should have been fully serviced and not just prept for pick up
  9. MrLizard ive too had a scorpion exhaust fit last week and mines been back and forth to the garage to be repositioned unfortunatly its not the way the exhaust has been fit ive been told its the rubber hangers the backbox is hanging on and ive been told i can order a set of adjustable hangers which have four holes to suit the cars exhaust positioning iam ordering mine tommorow from Revolution in gateshead www.revolution247.com hope this helps buddy.
  10. No probs buddy I think they around £25 not sure if thats for a pair or just for one . Ive just been reminded i need a service + new discs and pads
  11. Yeh the place iam ordering them from is Revolution www.revolution247.com but iam sure if you do a search for adjustable exhaust hangers you will find them on the net, Iam told this will put the exhaust right so iam ordering mine on saturday when i book my car in for a service so ill get the exact name for them mate.
  12. M350ZB Ive had the exhaust back end refit and only a small diffence made, I can now see the scribing scorpion on both tailpipes and it does look better, Also ive had a K&N GEN 2 Induction kit fit which comes with a heat shield it looks great and seams to give the exhaust a better note also the growl i get under the bonnet is nice. After having a talk with the mechanic he said the reason why my exhaust isnt lying true is because of the rubber gromits the hangers go into are solid and wont budge causing the left tailpipe to pull up I can buy adjustable rubber gromits which have four holes in which will sort things out for £25 but have been advised to leave it for a few weeks to see if the gomits currently being used soften and give a little. Only time will tell but it does look better than first fitted last week. I'll get some pics up hopefully this weekend bud
  13. To be honest iam only after the noise from the induction kit, But apparently if you disconnect the battery from the car for an hour after fitting the uprated parts then reconnect the battery the ecu resets and then learns and accepts the increased airflow and bhp. (you will need the cars sterio code as disconnecting the battery will reset the code)
  14. Hi i poped into the garage i got the exhaust from today just to order a K&N Induction kit and the mechanic repositioned my exhaust there and then is spot on now mate thank god iam hoping to get sum pics up asap. Ive ordered the K&N GEN 2 Kit as its suppossed to give you an extra 10 bhp due to Dyno tests, i thought the ECU couldnt adapt to the changes and discards the upgrade but aparently the 350z ecu adapts over a few days of driving and accepts the bhp from the ind kit
  15. I you Log on to - http://www.knfilters.com/search/appsearch.aspx and put in the details for your car and check the quotes. I suppose you would never know if you gained any bhp unless you did the dyno yourself.
  16. Yeh thats what i thought But was told by the mechanic that the 350z ecu adapts to the changes to the car eg exhaust filter after a few days of being installed. You can speed up the process by disconnecting the cars battery for an hour after fitting the parts and then the ecu recognises the changes and incresed air flow. To be honest i just want the ind kit for the sound but if K&N are claiming an extra 10 bhp from there kit ill give it ago. K&N Claim the dyno'd the 350z with standard filter and it ran 280 bhp then dyno'd the car with ind kit it gained and extra 10 bhp.
  17. After popping into Revolution today to order an induction kit i had a word with the fitter to see if he could squeeze my car in a fix the exhaust and iam please to say the exhaust is straight and great ive also ordered a K&N Gen 2 induction kit which is getting fit on wednesday.
  18. Hi ive just ordered a K&N Gen 2 indution kit and the results are an extra 10 bhp with the results from K&N i could have ordered the Typhoon kit but only an extra 7-8 extra bhp gain and. Ill get some pics up once it on the car.
  19. Yeh no probs ill get sum pics up once its been repositioned Thats the only difference i can see is the right hanger bolt is not flush with the rubber gromit as the left one is, fingers crossed for next week.
  20. Hi thanks for the info regarding the rubber gromits ive just gone and checked mine and there are all fit correctly the thing is the left hand tailpipe sticks out a good half inch or more past the right tail pipe making it look odd so ive look under both ends of the back box and the left hanger bolt is fine and butt up against the rubber gromit but the right tail pipe hanger bolt has a good half inch to butt up against the rubber gromit finally now i know whats causing the odd look. If i could pull the right tailpipe hanger bolt forward just half an inch that would put it right
  21. There is a black plastic cover just to the side of the drivers rear wheel i think that has to come off bud and you should then get a perfect fit Thanks ill remember that and tell the fitter when i go back next thursday cheers
  22. My cars reg is 2005, Iam happy you got your exhaust fit MrLizard, Like i said think i got a numpty fitter who just wanted to fit the exhaust and finish work and not bother lining it up properly It did take him longer to remove the old exhaust than to fit the new one so maybe he was abit stressed still no excuse though but Hopefully this time next week mine should be lined up properly and looking as good as it sounds.
  23. Hi M350ZB whats wrong with your scorpion exhaust? Ive just had one fit and the garage has fit mine p@ssed the left tail pipe is sticking out an inch further that the right and it just doesnt look right Iam booked back in next thursday to fix the prob and was just wondering what problem you have with yours.
  24. Finally got the scorpion exhaust fit on monday and it sounds great, only one problem the left hand tail pipe is sticking out a inch further than the right tail pipe and it looks p?ssed :rant: so ive spoken to the garage who fit it and they are going to see if they can fix the problem NEXT thursday . Have any other members had the same problem as i have or have i just getting a numpty of a mechanic to fit my exhaust?
  25. Thanks IanS16, Ive been looking at the Blitz kits and they look great, Ill get some info on the SUS Kit and thanks again.
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