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Dan Vernede

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Everything posted by Dan Vernede

  1. Hey Guys, I'm new to the forum and a relatively new Z owner I've always wanted to go to Le Mans and it seems to be the perfect opportunity for a road trip, so I've booked the Thursday and Friday before the event off work and also the Monday after, with the intentions of cruising down... So, as a complete novice and having never been before, what do I need to know? Can you just turn up and sort everything out upon arrival? What's the best route to take? Dover to Calais, or Southampton/Portsmouth to Cherboury/Caen/Le Harve? Does anyone have any words of wisdom or links to appropriate websites? Many thanks in advance! Dan
  2. Hello All! I got my 350Z in November - 2006 GT in Azure Blue - and joined this forum soon after, but I've only just had a chance to start posting today! I'll try and get a picture on here soon! Anyway, I look forward to joining in the discussions!
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