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Everything posted by srobrien

  1. No chance, well and truly stuck, not even tried it, the pic was a few days ago we have a good bit more now. Using the other halfs corsa at the moment and its coping well. Definatly gonna get an impreza/forester or something as well to use next winter. R
  2. Blade, last week. Not had a chance to post up get. Looked very clean considering the weather. R
  3. Good review, I think the z4 35i has the same 3.0ltr twin turbo that is in the 335i and 135i which both get rave reviews, I have driven the 335i and was well impresed. Just goes to show what a difference a chassis makes. R
  4. Thanks mate, sealants can be used as a last stage product but can also be used to top up the wax to add some durability to it hopefully offering better protection. R
  5. Nice, thanks! the dakar yellow looks awesome. R
  6. No probs, I'm with Aker Solutions at the moment (hopefully be Total by the end of the week). Subsea 7 is more a service company they do a lot of work with ROV's so you would probably end up on a boat rather than a rig. Depends what you want but an Electrical Technician on a plaform is a comfortable job. R
  7. Hi mate, I am an ops tech but I work closely with all the sparkies out here. It is a very good job if you can handle the time away. The majority of work I sign for is the day to day stuff such as close inspections/HAE inspections, lighting, glanding/terminating, motor isolations/installations the usual. You would need to probably be familiar with high voltage gear as our generators put out 14kv and also your compex needs to be up to date. Life is pretty good, you will usually be on a 2 week offshore 3 week at home rota, offshore will be 7 days a week 12 hours a day so it's long days but maintainence dept is usually kept quite busy so days go in quite quick. Money is pretty good too I'm not 100% but I think most of the sparks on here are on around 52K so not too shabby really. What I have said above only really applies to core crew members, you can go as contract ad hoc but work is unsteady and your are not guarenteed a rotation. I would advise that you look into doing your offshore survival/medial (petrofac training/falk nutek) which is around £800, most employers will look for offshore experience so if you have done your survival off your own back then it will look good in your favour. Have a look on websites such as oilcareers, petrofac, aker solutions, psn, wood group and the likes. Good luck with the job hunt. R
  8. You could get a slightly older 996 turbo for around the same price as an m3? R
  9. Emmm where? you can see the first part, anyway I did it because I have posted the write up on a few websites, most folk on here know my plate anyway. R 2nd pic down in your "finished pics" Just thought I'd let you know, in case you didnt want people seeing it thats all.... My reg is my username! Hmm thats weird it shows up swirly on my page, must be a photobucket problem, cheers for letting me know. R
  10. Emmm where? you can see the first part, anyway I did it because I have posted the write up on a few websites, most folk on here know my plate anyway. R
  11. now thats better!! R
  12. GM comes out nice, it hides the swirls well so you dont have to do much to make it look nice.
  13. Since getting my M3 in July i've never been happy with the paintwork as every time it catches the sun the swirls show up like cobwebs and ruins the finish. After finally having a few spare days to myself I set out with my detailing gear to give her a good seeing too. I forgot to take pics at some stages so you are just going to have to take my word for it. Also the pics were taken with my iphone 4 so not fantastic. Also the wheels are coming off soon for a colour change so I just gave them a quick scrub. Cleaning steps were: - Pre rinsed with with pressure washer. - Snowfoamed with bilthamber autofoam and APC. - Wheels were presoaked with Bilberry and cleaned with shampoo and brushed. - Washed with 2BM/grit guards with Dodo Juice Born to be Mild. - Claybarred with mild clay and Dodo Juice Born to Be Slippy as lube. - Snowfoamed again. - Dried with towel. - Taped up for polishing. Polishing steps: - Using my DAS-6 with a combination of Lake County foam wool pad and Meguiars 105 then refined with Lake County orange pad with Menzerna PO106. The paint was really swirly but the wool pad sorted it out: - The car was then cleaned again and dried. - I then used Dodo Juice Lime Prime as a prewax cleanser. - The wax used was....you guessed it Dodo Juice Austentatious. - The wax was topped up using Dodo Juice Red Mist as a sealant. Finishing: - Aerospace 303 used on plastics. - Meguiars Metal polish on exhaust. - Sonus tyre gel on the tyres. So that was 3 days work and I still need to do the interior, but im taking a rest before I start that. Finished Pics: R
  14. HOW MUCH!!!!!!!! I sold my 2005 with 30K for 13 in June! They are taking the P. Its a mint car but still. R
  15. Meh, one of them then. Still french.
  16. My neighbour just got a brand new one delivered to the house on a transporter today. Have to say it looks quite nice in the flesh but looks far too Audi try hard..and why on gods earth have they put a giant ass on the roof!!!!?!?!?!?!?
  17. I have heard alot of bad things about talk talk customer service. I used to be a tiscali customer and when they bought them over they called me up to say they had dropped the price of my package from £35 to £25 without prompting. Never had any problems with them since they took over. Pretty happy so far. R
  18. I know, I have a v8 Thats cool, it sounds great. R
  19. Cool!! I wonder if she has other realistic function R
  20. Not too bad at all, may look into it. Is there much of a drone with the bypass valves closed? R
  21. Sounds sexual, not really looked into it before but may be an option for the m..can I ask how much ROUGHLY you paid for the system? R
  22. Yeah Eisenmann is the daddy now but they are big bucks. To be honest the standard exhaust doesn't do the v8 justice. I'll be going for the milltek as it's reasonably priced and good quality. R
  23. Cheers lads, loving it so far. Missing the uniqueness of the zed it looks like a sports car, unless you know what that little letter symbolises on the m3 you wouldn't really know what your dealing with. R
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