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Everything posted by srobrien

  1. Looks like a nice camera, if it gives those results with "bumbling about" then it can't be half bad.
  2. Lovely pics, what camera are you using? I really want to get into photography but have no idea where to start. R
  3. I have one, sitting on my tv collecting dust already, they really should have waited till more games were available before releasing it! R
  4. Buy a shed in prep for next winter!
  5. Looks nice but all the taxi drivers up here use mercs so can't help but think of that as soon as I see one.
  6. It's some beast Stew, I was SOOOO tempted to take a pic on my iphone and let the cat out of the bag but managed to have some restraint R
  7. Tesco's here is full of easter eggs....should be bloody banned from selling stuff before a week in advanced. R
  8. I just started dabbling a few months ago and have made a bit of cash already. Started out with BPC bought in at 12p and sold at 18p, sold them all and bought into herencia HER.L a startup mining company, they look VERY promising, so bought 100,000 shares at 2p , already gone up 2p in a few weeks with big news on the horizon hopefully. R
  9. Drove past it today! im a serial stalker , looks awesome-o
  10. Bam BMW 318i Bam 350z GT GM Bam E92 M3 and on the side a cheeky Robin Hood 2B
  11. Do u need to wear assless chaps? lol jk, I know
  12. As said above get a decent mask and paper coveralls, lay down some plastic sheeting, rip the stuff out yourself, bag it up and dispose somewhere (preferably at nighttime ) "nearly" free solution! people hear asbestos and freak out, but a quick job like this will be harmless unless you grind the stuff up and snort it that is. R
  13. Very nice, love the exige, always wanted one but couldn't live with it day to day. R
  14. Don't get a k1!! It ruined the driving experience for me it is FAR too loud and droney. R
  15. Porsche all day long, no comparison R
  16. My mate is down there on the Ocean Guardian. He's enjoying it. Drilling another duster, 4 in a row.....not looking good for desire glad I didn't jump on the share bandwagon on that one. R
  17. http://www.pistonheads.co.uk/sales/2337816.htm This ^^ thanks thread closed.
  18. I don't know what everyone is complaining about its a positive bargain compared to what it will be. R
  19. Jeez not here too!! I've had enough of the stuff! Its snowing like mad here again today, the car has been stuck for 6 weeks!
  20. Ooooft they are nasty! Save your pennies and get some recaros or similar, at least you can sell them if you part with the zed. R
  21. If we could get a few scottish members interested could we get you up here for a day?
  22. Sucks dude! At least you can get yourself a M3 now
  23. I knew before I even opened the thread that this would be a zedrush number.......yes...without a shadow of a doubt the gayest thing since the dawn of man.
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