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Everything posted by srobrien

  1. I am following his work on my350z cant wait to see all that together. I will get a hold of some of that 3M vinyl and give it a whirl, no big deal if it looks terrible. R
  2. Hmm never thought about it, never seen it done before. Not sure if it may be a bit cf overkill though but if not would look smart would save painting them as well
  3. Yeah I thought about black but im not sure if it would look like a couple of black eyes. Im not a huge fan of exterior chrome, this is one of the reasons i want them colour coded. Yeah mate I know exactly what is entailed with this job, risky and with what happened to my fog light im going to be EXTRA careful. I'm definately doing it though as that orange strip drives me nuts every time i look at it. What were they thinking?!?! R
  4. Have a quick look through the ICE section there are approximately 356448485858685858484 threads about exactly the same thing R
  5. Just bought myself my first DA Polisher, I got a very good deal from cleanyourcar.co.uk on their DAS-6 with pads and polish, also bought a 3.5" backing plate with some spot pads for smaller areas. Here's the kit: £144.95 reduced to £129.95, plus you get around £6.50 worth of loyalty points for your next purchase http://www.cleanyourcar.co.uk/polishing ... d_525.html R
  6. I've been having a look around here and on my350 about the painted headlight/de-tango mod, I've found a few pic's but I'm wondering if anyone has pic's of their colour coded lights on a GM. Just looking for some inspiration. R
  7. Thats the nismo N1 kit. R
  8. Unfortunatly I tend to get every ned in a modded jap car wanting a race. I think because I drive one too they maybe just assume im up for it. I can't be assed with that rubbish most of the time, I value my licence far too much. R
  9. What kind of drop is the teins? PM trader CS i got my eibachs from him. R
  10. That thing is a WRECK!! poor zed R
  11. Just had a tea-monitor interface moment there
  12. Probably would be ok, but I wouldn't bother you could fit a MUCH better aftermarket system. R
  13. Clarkson - Likes nothing apart from astons and merc's, not even a professional driver Tiff and VBH - Both professional drivers, both love the zed I know who's opinion I respect the most. R
  14. srobrien

    Door Poppers

    looks smart Dunno how you would solve the battery issue, guess you would just have to hide a mechanical release on the exterior somewhere. R
  15. Portion control and diet is the key though, u can chew as much as you like but if its a large portion of fish and chips then you will still put on weight. Idealy you should have 2/4 veg, 1/4 lean meat (palm sized) 1/4 carbs on your plate and do as much excercise as possible (at least 30 mins per day), and no carbs after tea time. Try to eat 6 x per day, 3 main meals and 3 healthy snacks to keep your metabolism high. Also my grandad stopped smoking after 45 years and did it by substituting fags for chewing gum, stock up on sugar free chewing gum and stuff your face with this when you get a craving. Good luck, its hard work but you will feel so much better for it. R
  16. Well done mate, welcome to the first day of the end of your life R
  17. Smart install but be carefull with these mate, i believe if caught using these to disturb a signal you can be done for perverting the course of jutice, which will net you more than £60 and 3 point. R
  18. I dont think it really applies here as its always freezing R
  19. There are 2 main high points i believe take a look at this. http://crackaddict.com/~flynn/howtos/sa ... .howto.htm It may help R
  20. 1. Anchorman: 2. Napolean Dynamite: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1u7-0WXbok 3. Super Troopers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwxJKOxV9eE 4. Step Brothers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_nIvgOrUkA 5. Office Space: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfCYzJAgwrw End of thread!
  21. Im having my bumper smoothed and having an air intake fitted so reverting back to standard isn't an issue for me. oh and for the record im going to have it properly moulded inside, no zip ties or no more nails.
  22. Damn i just got the CF one from demon plates for my new rear bumper, it said nothing about it being illegal! Lucky im pretty friendly with my local mot tester R
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