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Everything posted by srobrien

  1. srobrien

    Photoshop Request

    Carbon bonnet on stock GM zed.
  2. http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/889883.htm y do peepz need 2 tlk in txt spk and spellz tings rong, diz iz a gud way 2 sell ure motor cuz the pix are well wikid an u can see how bangin diz motor iz! peas out bruv
  3. Wouldn't have thought so as they only secure into the plenum. R
  4. cheers for the offer of help, once i have the thread pitch, i'll get online and order some I would imagine they would be 1.00 pitch same as the other plenum bolts. Edit: Actually its more likely to be 0.8 if they are M5 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/M5-x-80-Stainless ... 563257117c R *Cough*
  5. cheers for the offer of help, once i have the thread pitch, i'll get online and order some I would imagine they would be 1.00 pitch same as the other plenum bolts. Edit: Actually its more likely to be 0.8 if they are M5 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/M5-x-80-Stainless ... 563257117c R
  6. To be fair he was asking for it R
  7. I've got one, I'll swap you your supercharger for it R
  8. Are these solid carbon fibre? the ones i have at the moment seem to be cf fabric covered in a plastic, they are flexable and tend to peel off in places. R
  9. Looks nice and shiney, have you machine polished it? R
  10. Just out of curiosity i quoted a price for an Enzo ferarri, it came back at £749,300 which is not bad as they sell for around the same R
  11. Not wanting to cause any arguments but how can it be? Surely placing one grille on top of another grill will reduce the airflow further than having a single pressed mesh directly in front of the radiator? R
  12. Looks lovely, my plenum is coming off in a few weeks so i can attack it with my polished, its getting quite tarnished. You not fancy a nice intake? R
  13. Its good when you get some outside zed appreciation, I got some thumbs up the other day from a group of older guys crossing the road, not sure if they were checking the car or me out R
  14. Hmmm, keep us updated on the cabin noise, im looking into this to take the edge off the k1 and road noise. R
  15. Their new tv ad with the news presenter guy. OMG!!!! I would be scared to start punching that guy because I would never stop!!!
  16. Sounds like your cameras buggered. The above may help ^ R
  17. I have a pioneer avic 900bt, very tidy unit with sat nav, bluetooth, ipod, dvd/sd media playback, double din I would highly recommend it, will be the best part of £700 fitted though. R
  18. Dont bother with Karcher they will just break, the pumps are plastic and break quite commonly. Go for a nilfisk, roughly the same price and they have metal pumps, I would go for at least 100 bar I would get this one: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Nilfisk-C120-4- ... 680&sr=1-4 R
  19. Apart from a CF bonnet with 2 great vents in it, not really , definatly not seen yours i would have recognised such a destinctive kit. You should get yourself along to some NE meets. R
  20. Looking good mate, not sure if i've seen you zed around the deen yet. R
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