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Everything posted by srobrien

  1. Coming down is a bit dodgy though as you canna see the high kerbs at either side. R
  2. No i was too busy stressing to find a parking spot R
  3. Never seen this one before, looks If a bit dirty R
  4. Do luck every time, my favourite zed bumper..will be getting one myself when funds allow. R
  5. I carry one of these, it's small but has tonnes of uses. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BAHCO-46-Piece-1- ... 4a81b8dd67 R
  6. Im just thinking it probably wouldn't fit all that well from underneath if you had a lip. R
  7. Jeez, i've had the bonnet for donks , It will all tie in with the cf lip, trust me. R
  8. Yeah but I had my painter paint them for me as i didn't trust mine not to bubble. R
  9. srobrien

    New front end

    Got my headlights and bumper back from the body shop yesterday, just needs a lip and my air scoop fitted. R
  10. Seriously though give Digsy a PM he may be able to help out (if he's not on the prosecution )
  11. He probably bought it on the mega cheap being a write off or something and has never got round to fully repairing it.....except for the blue door R
  12. When do you expect to get it dyno'd scott? R
  13. Hmmmmm, im anxiously awaiting dyno results for this
  14. What kind of spacing does this plenum provide? is it modeled on the 5/16"? R.
  15. From what I understand, its pretty much a stock non-revup lower collector. In fact when the revup came out I remember guys fitting the non-revup lower collector to get the torque back I guess there might be slight tweaks to it over a non-revup, but I would guess its very little. Hmm, well I guess that saves me 300 notes R
  16. Is there no benifit to the MREV2 on non rev up?
  17. The MREV2 is a lower collector isn't it? not a plenum?
  18. Look down the back of the headlights and you will see a white cog at the bottom, you need to get a long posi-drive screw driver and screw the cog to adjust the beam height. R
  19. I have to say that i agree with the general consensus that option 1 is nicer, I have been thinking about the do-luck and its not financially viable AT THE MOMENT, after all i've just forked out for a bumper respray and would be looking at the guts of £700 for it painted, may reconsider later on depending on work bonus etc. R
  20. Fugly!! but not a cheap body kit. http://www.fabuloususa.com/?_page=5&p_i ... 367&page=1
  21. Should be home on Thursday weather permitting. R
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