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Everything posted by srobrien

  1. Found mine on streetview at our old flat PLUS THE 350z-UK BADGE!!! http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&sourc ... 2,,2,19.36 R
  2. Yeah pay a garage £50 to fit it...trust me. R
  3. Hey they are 19" linea corse z2s and lowered on Eibach springs at the moment. R
  4. refer to my thread about Audi drivers, same boat!
  5. Oh well at this rate those useless penny pinching labour c*nts will be out, just in time to make way for some new ones. R
  6. 78mpg? Fair enough if you are pottering around town maybe but if you have a car with 500bhp then your gonna be well over the rev band that the v8 takes over pretty much the whole time. More like 15mpg if that R
  7. U keep your babies in the garage? good man!
  8. If I can't get a replacement blade I will be £350 for a new spoiler plus about £100 painting, so a fair bit out of pocket as well! Oh yeah also forgot about the £160 I paid to have it done in the first place R
  9. Im sure there is some way to align them by loosening the screw and re aligning. Do a search or someone will be along shortly who may know. R
  10. If I can't get a replacement blade I will be £350 for a new spoiler plus about £100 painting, so a fair bit out of pocket as well!
  11. srobrien

    carbon wrap

    If its just lacquer damage it will clean up with some wet and dry and a machine polisher
  12. Looks great! Planning on making other interior parts? R
  13. Yeah your probably right but at the time I just wanted a plug and play unit with everything I needed and no fuss which I got with the pioneer, plus you know the sound out of it will be spot on and it gives you all the connections you need. Still love the HU, best purchase I have made for the zed so far. Will look into the rainbows, do you need spacers to fit these in the doors? R
  14. Cheers for the input lads, yeah the Headunit is covered and after spending £800 on it i feel i need some appliances to do it justice. Budget wise I don't want to go overboard as I have some big commitments this year but i recon £400-500 maxish. R
  15. Holy mother of god they have a domo persona! Caaalick!
  16. Right I may be replacing the shitty bose in the summer but TBH I know naff all about ICE, I should really as I am such a music lover but I don't. I don't want to spend a fortune, I want some decent gear that will last but won't break the bank. I'm after: - Front components - Rear speakers - Amp - Sub Another thing is I want it all to live where the original stuff did with as little modifications as possible, and no sub boxes as there is no usable space in there as it is. Anyone got any ideas? BTW I listen to mainly heavy rock music R
  17. I would have one.......................... I wonder how easy it would be to stick a RB26 TT in it? R
  18. Tesco's own brand APC for £1 per litre, diluted 1:10 with water in the snowlance, does a super job
  19. srobrien

    Baller Bolts

    Go on! how much? R
  20. I got 6K from ebay for around £20, one is fine but the fitment of the other is crap meaning i can't get the weather seal shut at the back without knocking the bulb out. Next time I will push the boat out and get the phillips ones. R
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