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Everything posted by srobrien

  1. Well done mate, great life in pics, your zed is one of my favourites, understated. R
  2. Just been phoning around trying to get a good deal this year..amazing the amount of people who are blatently trying to put me off 26 y/o, clean licence, 1 years no claims, 1 claim in the past 5 years, maxed out mod list. Adrian Flux, supposed to be a modified car specialist £2500!!!! Chirs Knotts, supposed to be kind to forum members, £1300!!! Bell, my current insurer £620! I know who i'll be choosing Im amazed with the range of quotes especially from the ones that are supposed to be kind to young/modifed car drivers. R
  3. looks smart Good luck trying to get the headlights back together again its a c*nt of a job. R
  4. We are all stuck offshore, no helicopter flights for the forseeable future, no chance of a boat transfer either as our cranes are not suitable for transfering people...hope this shite stops soon, don't fancy spending the next year out here R
  5. Looks good, but GET IT WASHED R
  6. Would imagine it all depends where the majority of owners are located....(cough aberdeen cough)
  7. Hey, has anyone here had experience with complaining through TS? I was going to let this carbon forza issue go but yesterday decided to give them an email through a false address to see if they replyed and within about 1 hour they do so it really pi**ed me off that they are still trading and are totally ignoring my messages. Anyway beause of this I have decided to persue things a bit further with trying to get my cash back. Thanks Ross
  8. Yup you can Just a cloth with some all purpose cleaner, probably the best thing you can use. R
  9. Even for a track day at Castle Combe on 28th?? I know the brakes will work with 5:1 but it just seems a waste to put 5:1 in tomorrow and then pay a garage to replace it with £60 worth of Motul 660 in 10 days which I'll probably have to pay them £50 to do. If I can put something good in tomorrow it would be better. Dot 5.1 is Dot 5.1, it will do the same job, just depends how desperate you are to have it on the track. R But Motul 660 is Dot 4 and designed for track use and costs £50 for 1.5L whreas Halfords 5:1 is £10??? Why do people use Motul 660 if it's "the same". Its not "the same" but halfords being 5.1 will have a dry boiling point of at least 500degF odd so for the application you are using it for (ie the odd track day) it will be perfectly fine. Also Motul 660 although its designated dot4 it actually exceeds 5.1 specs. R
  10. Even for a track day at Castle Combe on 28th?? I know the brakes will work with 5:1 but it just seems a waste to put 5:1 in tomorrow and then pay a garage to replace it with £60 worth of Motul 660 in 10 days which I'll probably have to pay them £50 to do. If I can put something good in tomorrow it would be better. Dot 5.1 is Dot 5.1, it will do the same job, just depends how desperate you are to have it on the track. R
  11. Any dot 5.1 brake fluid from halfords should do for the time being.
  12. for piece of mind i would also invest in a full service, including spark plugs. Might highlight any problems internally. Also get a diagnostic at the same time there might be some fault codes that have been cleared but not fixed. R
  13. Not sure, it looked pretty standard. R
  14. Mask up around them, bit of wet and dry and a wee bit of spray paint should come up good as new, looks tiny R
  15. Haha I never even noticed that, so it has.
  16. Just get a cone filter with a heat shield like the pipercross system, should give all the benefits of free flow air with no heatsoak, and it sounds awesome R
  17. Spotted at around 1pm today, looked niiieeecccccee
  18. Hmm I don't think Ihave that on mine, If i were to hazard a guess I would say they are High/Low vents for something. Any closer pics? R
  19. I used the reverse light feed as it meant it automatically kicked the camera on to the head unit when it was put in reverse. Cant remember what cable it is there is only 2 so you have a 50/50 chance R
  20. Yeah but i'd rather have the real deal DROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!! I have often though about changing the colour but I can't think of anything that looks nicer than gold. R
  21. How many bolts did you have left over? R
  22. Nah, just have better taste in cars..I do like the Rex but he bought the shite version
  23. God only knows what the neighbours think is going on at home, my dads MR2 and Impreza STi, my brothers RX-8, my Zed and my mums swift Crappy Iphone pics. R
  24. You trying to steal my lime light here? I think hitting 30k is a BIT worse that having you legs blown off. R
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