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Everything posted by srobrien

  1. According to the my350z site the system can run fine on everything stock maybe bar bigger injectors and an ECU. No sure how safe i would feel about running 400bhp on stock coolers/fuel rails etc. R
  2. Oh yeah it comes with a charge cooler. R
  3. The kit contains: * Flow-tested cast aluminum and/or urethane air discharge tubing * Intercooler * Compressor bypass valve * OEM-style, heat-treated cast 356 aluminum mounting brackets * Supercharger drive pulley * Integrated belt tensioner * Premium drive belt * Stainless steel clamps * Heavy-duty mounting hardware Thats your lot R
  4. Ah I see thanks for clearing that up I wasn't sure if it was used as a lube oil cooler for the charger or not. Never done a project like this before but since I work with compressors (all be it 300 bar ones ) it should be fairly staright forward when I have all the bit.
  5. Engine oil cooler Yeah but i though the point of that was for when you were tapped into the sump to lubricate the SC, the cooler would take the excess heat away. Just been reading the my350z guide and trying to get my head round things R
  6. Geez thats alot of bits Whats the reason for the oil cooler given that the v3 has a self enclosed lubricator? R
  7. Take it you didn't read the top line R
  8. Right having decided on the Vortech V3 (self lubricating) charger (tuner kit) I'm now having to look into what I need to get it going. What is the bare minumum i would need to get going? -600cc Injectors -Uprev -Fuel Pump ............ R
  9. Assaultech? They are stupidly cheap for a new Vortech yup more than a grand cheaper than the uk (minus import taxes)
  10. Not paid any cash yet but think I have found the vortech at the cheapest I will ever find it so just gotta wait till some funds clear on my cc (hopefully tomorrow). Just gone for the tuner kit and will buy the extra bits as I can afford them. R
  11. I think I've just bought a supercharger!
  12. I think I may be keeping this due to a serious change in plans
  13. Hardy har har probably gonna go vortex for the big blower although hks looks a LOT nicer R
  14. Damn it you guys!!! My missus is gonna slaughter me. Watch this space! R
  15. What colour is it you want.......... red? Well I have to say, I was really impressed with the quality of robs work......... and it was 30 bucks delivered I've bought the authentic one in red, I have paid Envy for it but their suppliers have bumped up the price so they are trying to get it cheaper. I think £80 for a badge is more than enough so if they need any more cash then I will be sticking to the burger. R
  16. Looks good, im still awaiting my Tommy K from Envy, apparently the prices have gone crazy for them so they are struggling to get one. R
  17. Just how the hell do you guys afford all of this? I probably earn a fair bit more than the average 26 year old and im crapping myself at the thought of how much this all costs..although im getting more and more tempted by the day! R
  18. ***AS SEEN ON BARRYBOYS*** I've decided to sell my CF bonnet as I prefer the HR style and it will go a lot nicer with my kit (Ian I'm definatly not stalking you again ) I've only had it 6 months and it's in perfect condition, superb quality, it would pass for a piece of work twice its price. I bought it from Knightracer, a trader on here who specialise in CF parts for GT-R's and are pretty well renound for their work in the circle. I have had the mesh coated black as it looks much smarter. Bought this for almost £600 in september, looking for £300. Prefer collection but if someone is willing to pay for delivery I will organise it. Cheers R
  19. In my experience 99.9% of liquid waxes are shite, I use collinite 475 and dodo juice wax with dodo juice born to be mild shampoo..superb combo imo. R
  20. depends on which products if you are using a hard wax (ie collinite) and some wax friendly shampoo (ie dodo juice) no it shouldn't do the wax any harm. It also depends on the concentration of the shampoo, if you use a heap then it will probably strip some off. Use the right products in the right quantity and it should last a while. R
  21. Not yet, im pretty confident it wont get any better than that though R
  22. Hope you told him it needs spacers and lowering R
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