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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. Looks abit like the Force India livery to me!
  2. My mums husband has been drawing up extensions and extra floors and stuff like that for longer than iv been alive. If you are around the Southend area, he maybe able to help.
  3. Brilliant job there, well done! Inspiring me to do the same sort of thing to the 350 lights. Are you usung a laquer on top of the final coats, or is it primer then top coat?
  4. Looks stunning, really like the splitter with the side sills. The one thing that would fnish that off is clear front reflectors, or dark ones, i cant decide. Looks as mean as hell though, top job
  5. I dont eat McDonalds, so thats a few quid saved already.
  6. LOL, suppose i was loosing perspective, it is xmas, im being tight. There are a few bits the Z is getting treated to after xmas, so its not going without. Iv got a few spares of the shallow ones, but none of the deeper ones, and the shallow ones dont work properly in their place. Was hoping someone would say they have a massive stash of them that they just wanted a couple of quid for, but its probably better to buy new.
  7. Well is suppose he knows an awful lot about the car and systems etc. He will probably get put on gardening leave for the year, not a bad set up, getting paid a ton of cash to sit at home or do what you want.
  8. One of my best mates has bought a Cayman this year, not because its a brilliant car, but because its a Porsche, he lives in a posh little villiage in the sticks, with stuck up neighbours who all drive flash cars. Its a lifestyle choice. I would love to have a new car, but the only thing id replace the trusty 350 with is a Maserati Gransport, or a VX220, one more attainable than the other, but if I didnt have a nice house with a big mortgage, id happily have the Maserati. In an ideal world id have both. lol
  9. I need some of the white popper clips for the interior trim. I have some, but they are not the same, as the Nissan ones have an extra washer type piece by the popper that mine do not have, so they pull the trim closer than they should. Does anyone have any they dont want? These are what im after, but they seem expensive for what they are. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/10-X-NISSAN-INTERIOR-TRIM-PANEL-CLIPS-DOOR-TAILGATE-PATHFINDER-ALMERA-PRIMERA-/171147605800?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&fits=Car+Make%3ANissan&hash=item27d9313728
  10. Jock Clear from Mercedes is on the move to the Red side. http://www.f1today.net/en/news/ferrari-convinces-mercedes-figure-to-move-to-maranello?
  11. I quite like both to be honest, and cant see there being much difference in what scrapes and what does not, as although one sits lower, one protrudes more, so in effect, you could have the same problem with both of them
  12. Well i went and looked at them this morning, and they are pretty decent, comfy to sit in too. If i can get them for the right price, il be taking them, they come with 370Z rails, so hopefully will be able to modify them to fit the 350.
  13. Has anyone got any experience of these seats at all? Going to look at a pair tomorrow with 370Z rails, will these fit a 350Z, or will they need modifying to fit?
  14. Im guessing that is why it had the warranty work done. Looks mega, and I bet it is stupid fast, congrats.
  15. Recently got my discs and service items from Clark. Great friendly service, couldnt do enough to help. As always
  16. Looks like i fairly decent order so far. Is this going to be ok RT?
  17. Looking good Ian. The thing iv found with stuff like this, is that you make leaps and strides in a short space of time, yet the final filling and sanding etc, is what takes ages to get right.
  18. its been said to death about comparisons etc, but the other thing that blurs the lines are gearboxes. You could have the same car, same power etc, but with with a twin clutch, one with and auto and one with a manual, and all 3 will give you different figures. Iv followed a 996 C4S round a track, and that only pulled a yard or so on corner exit, down the straights, it was even. Got a friend that has a 997 C4S, and that is quicker, but not massively, its about the same pace as a 4.3 AM V8. I think if you had a 370, then you would get more out of it, with more potential than a 350, but as you have a 350, id go out with someone who has the setup and power you are looking at, and see if you think its enough and if its for you.
  19. Right,in relation to this thread http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/93076-shedding-it-not-zedding-it/#entry1402642 iv decided to start a list of people who want a SHEDDING IT NOT ZEDDING IT sticker made up for their winter/ general hacks. Please add your name to the list, il give this till the end of the month,then submit the number for RT to get them printed 1-Daryl
  20. My neighbor has an A5 coupe with a spoiler and front lip on it, must be original Audi, but looks good.
  21. Well i get screen wash through the passenger side, albeit at a low pressure, so I dont believe there is a blockage, il give the non return valve a tweak, and see if that works. Failing that £10 for a new pump is not the end of the world
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