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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. Plan on taking loads of pics chap,so will get them up asap.
  2. Would this be any different to an AMS pulley? Or should the same torque be applied?
  3. Does anyone know what the torque is for fitting the main crank AMS pulley?
  4. Well im off to Monaco tomorrow morning,looking forward to seeing all the sights and boats,cars,and most importantly,the women! lol Will post up some pics when im back. Wont be staying for the race,but get to see qualifying,and hopefully get to see part of Monaco on Friday
  5. A mate of mine text me earlier and asked if i wanted to go to this,he has an E92 M3. Thing is,iv never driven Silverstone,and although its 10 minutes from my house,i think id actually prefer to go to Bedford,as although its further away,there is massive run off all around,so no chance of hitting barriers etc. Its also very expensive,but i didnt know it included lunch and breakfast. So,as Bedford is an hour each way,i suppose it would work out the same price. Its also the weekend after Le-man,and i maybe working. If all goes well to Le-man and back,and im not working,then id be willing to come to this. Failing that,we can have a mini meet at my place if people want to come have a BBQ or something,its only 10 minutes down the road. Id be happy to meet members.
  6. Well im going to Monaco with the team on Thursday,but coming back saturday afternoon after qualifying. Even so im really excited,as the RB7 isnt the only car getting an upgrade next weekend. The datsun is having all of her fluids replaced,braided brake lines and fluid (all of it thanks to Zmanalex),lightened pulleys,thanks to Tarmac,and also from Mr Tarmac,a Scorpion exhaust,which iv just spent the past few hours polishing up. Even took a tooth pick to the engraved name,and dug out all the polish and dirt in it. Looks great now,cant wait to get it on. So when i come back from my trip,il have a nice a fresh car ready for Le-man. Looking forward to having it all fitted,though im sure it wont be cheap,will be well worth it.
  7. I didnt know this until i had my first service last year. Pretty shocked to to be honest,but sure enough,if you tap it,its carbon.
  8. Im not in Oxford,but i live in Brackley,near Banbury if you need any help with anything.
  9. I would certainly change the the diff and gearbox fluid. Im having it done next week hopefully. I remember reading an independent review about the auto boxes on Mercs and BMWs,and they also state that they are sealed for life,but not changing the fluid will actually do more harm than good. Would you never change your engine oil? Why is the box and diff any different? Both have reciprocating (surprised i spelt that right first time) parts. If you do it,makesure that they are the correct spec,and iv also heard that the genuine Nissan stuff is the best to use. PM Zmanalex for advice on these.
  10. Cheers for the comments folks,and its helpful to heard other people have gone through similar problems,and worse. Iv never asked what happened with my mum,partly because iv always thought of it as their business,not mine,not to mention that il probably never hear the full truth,and that i dont really want to drag up the past an upset everyone. My dad has always been abit of a stoner,which probably dont help his situation. He has always had a joint in the evening,ever since i remember. I understand why people would be pushed to a point and then say no more,to be honest,maybe thats what i should do. But my dad has no one else,he has no girlfriend or wife,very few friends,and is generally a very lonely person. He is not close to his family at al. Maybe thats why it has hurt him more,who knows. Luckily i have a few very good friends of varying ages,not to mention my partner,who has been fantastic about the whole thing,that i can talk to,and seek guidance from. No to mention this old place,and you guys. I must admit,despite talking about it,actually writing it out on here made me feel alot better. I have suffered from anger issues in the past,and although better than i was,i think maybe some of it come from my father and unresolved issues. Who knows,iv also learnt to deal with it better,and not let it over come me so much. Its certainly not going to fix or heal itself over night,but i feel that maybe me and my dad have turned a corner now,hopefully leaving the past where it belongs. Im not going to ring him till after the weekend,as i think that some reflection time is needed for both of us.
  11. Good effort with the purchase,sounds like quite a car. Just insured my car,luckily it wasnt anywhere near what your paying,but suppose some of that is down to your age,im 28 in September.
  12. Thats a pretty awesome looking mini,you must be very proud. Good luck with the Z hunt.
  13. Thanks guys. Felt abit pants the past week,up and down. I know what my dad said was harsh,and he said it because he was angry,but it still had an effect,as does his well being,as im naturally concerned about him,and i know he is depressed. We shall see,i hope that when i talk to him next week,we can put what happened to one side,and start to go back to being how we used to be. Time will tell.
  14. Well,real progress today. I received a card from my dad,with a note inside. Is basically an apology,but it dont actually say 'Im sorry',but for my dad,this is unheard of. So was nice. Still havnt spoke to him,after what he said,im going to ring him after the weekend probably. Its still very raw,and want to give us both time to think and chill abit. Thanks for the comments,its probably one of the hardest things iv had to deal with in my life. Probably worse than having my ex-girlfriend of 5 years leave me.
  15. Also depends on the weight of the wheel i suppose. The likes of Volks etc,will be very light,so reducing unsprung weight,which is the best kind.
  16. Yeah, sorry, my point was you could get 18"s just as wide, if not wider and you'd have the same issues. Ahh wonder whether they're the 5zigens. They are nice though ^^^Rings a bell,but cant be 100%. So far had no issues with them loosening off,as was abit worried being Ally.
  17. Very true,the width is what does it,but i hate the streeeeeeeeeetched look. The wheel bolts are from Sarah at Chilli Red,cant remember exactly the make,but they are the short version. I think they set the car off a treat.
  18. Id have to say 19". I find the ride a little more fidgety than on 18",but that was to be expected i feel,as is a little more tramlining. However,the trade off in looks i feel is worth it. See what you think. Standard wheels 19" Varrstoen Es2.2 (custom colour)
  19. With a DA yes,but i never used to bother if doing it by hand.
  20. That fly eye stuff will be a nightmare if you get some polish in the holes! Sod picking the polish out of them,you would be there for hours! Lights look really good though
  21. Part of the conversation we had Tuesday was to do with him saying that my mum and her family were taking all the credit for his hard work,and i said to him that there was alot that has gone on in my life that he is not aware of,as i talked to my mum etc about it. I told him that i was not going to take sides on it,and that my mum is a part of my life,as is he,and everyone else on that side of the family. He appears to be blaming me for him not dealing with his issues 20 years go,and he had the cheek to remind me that he was diagnosed with depression and put on medication because he was lonely after i moved away in 2006. There is way more to explain than what iv written,as this whole thing stems back to when i was a kid,but felt i needed to vent a little bit,as i find it affecting my life now,and making me unhappy and angry,just like him,and i dont want that. Thanks for the advice Neil,iv actually remained calm throughout the chats we have had. A couple of years ago i would have gone ape,and shouted and screamed back,but iv tried to just talk to him and remain calm.
  22. Going through a bad patch with my dad at the moment. Basically,iv never been able to talk to my dad about my mum,or anything to do with my mums family. Its been like this since i remember,im 28 in a few months. My dad gets very angry and abusive at the mere mention of my mum. I lived with my dad for nearly 3 years from when i was 19-20,and worked with him,and served my apprenticeship with him,before going to Prodrive. I went to my mums parents 60th wedding anniversary dinner in Cornwall a couple of weeks back,(Stayed with my mum,sister,nephew and step dad in a cottage) and on the monday (on my way home) my dad rang, I rang him back and had a chat,and mentioned where id been,and why. BIG MISTAKE.He went into an absolute state,crying,shouting and being abusive at me,towards me and my mum,and her family,and saying how they dont give a sh!t etc etc,and how iv betrayed him,and that they only know the lies my mum told,and not the truth. etc etc As the phone call didnt end well,i called him up the next day (last Tuesday) to makesure he was ok. Again,i got much of the same,but we did talk about things that were previously never discussed,and i felt abit better about things. This despite my dad saying id stabbed in him in the back,and that he wanted to 'take a magic pill to make it all go away'. Iv also been in text contact with one of his brothers,who has said he is in a bad way,but has said that if i want to talk to him,and understand all the stuff that went on,then he will talk to me about it. Im left feeling very angry by all this,and to be honest,feeling my dad is pretty pathetic,which is not a nice feeling. I still dont believe hes that bitter and twisted after 25 years! Not really expecting much help from posting this,but wanted to write it down,and also explain my lack of motivation to get projects like the strut cover finished. I dont think i can talk to my mum and her husband about it,and my partner has been very supportive the past few weeks,but its a strange situation. Just dont know what to do really.
  23. Can i have your Scorpion please?
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