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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. Hope to go see it next week when im on earlies. I remember watching Imola 94.
  2. Phew,i thought i was going to be the first one! I actually really like it. Havnt seen one in the flesh yet,but i think its pretty cool looking thing. I was also look at Renault Avantimes the other day,lusting after one. The mrs said i should be ashamed at liking them.
  3. The reason I like the apple tv,is because I can use my tv as a photo frame,and stream all my music with it,using my iPhone as a remote control.
  4. The HDR box has an ethernet connection to my router,is there no way of streaming stuff through the router to the HDR box? I thought that was what the PS3 MS was meant to allow? Can i do it through the Wii though?
  5. Thats a bugger,looks like il be buying Apple TV soon then! lol
  6. Well iv had a stab this morning,and cant seem to get it to work. Its a tad frustrating.
  7. Got chatting to chap at work about streaming stuff from your Mac to your Humax HDR box. He said download the PS3 MS (done) and its easy. It appears to be as far removed from that,as i am from being a astro physicist! Can someone please help me! I can get it to detect my Wii,but have no idea where to go from there. My Humax HDR has a cabled link to my router,and my Wii is wireless linked. It cant detect the Humax box Can some please put me out of my misery,as all the tech pages and forums are just goggledy goog to me.
  8. Looks to me like one DE airbox and one HR airbox.
  9. I dont. Any more info? Is the guy just abit of a tool?
  10. Some really nice modded Z's there. This is my favourite old school modded Zed.
  11. From what i can see,if you remove the diving board from the V3,you end up with the V2. I think the V3 looks alot better if you have the canards on the front,as it disguises the size of the splitter,but if you dont,it just looks like a diving board.
  12. REally dont think its that bad to be honest,even the wheels. Though i think that they should have continued the carbon,or atleast black look of the front splitter round the base of the car.
  13. Daryl

    K+N Airbox

    Right,finally have the Zed back to rude health! The culprit of my lack of dash and instruments and aircon,aswell as my ABS light coming on,was all down to the Typhoon airbox i fitted a few months ago! The raw edge of it was slowing rubbing against the loom,and eventually broke through to the wire,and being metal,was causing a short! Cant believe it really! All sorted now though,thank god. Just wanted to make people aware of the possible problem,incase anyone else had one fitted,you could check it. Maybe it was an extreme case,but you never know.
  14. Right,well its taken a large vodka,and some serious surfing and reading,but i think i have a lead in my quest to get all my dials and instruments going. It appears that pretty much everything dash board related goes through the Air Con Amp,which happens to run off fuse 12,which is the one that keeps blowing. (not in a good way) Page D15 of manual Are these prone to failing,or could it just be a loose connection somewhere? Other possible cause is a dodgy connection on the unified meter (clock binnacle) Cant get to a diagnostics machine till at least saturday,and iv got a ton of stuff to do this weekend,not to mention working,so trying all possible leads. However,if someone who does have a diagnostics machine fancies having a look,then feel free. Red Bull will be supplied FOC
  15. Daryl

    Relay issue?

    Well iv replaced the relay,which is what i thought was causing the issue,but that has had no effect. It still blew the fuse the moment i turned the ignition on. This could be expensive! Has anyone got any ideas as to where to start?
  16. Well iv replaced the relay,which is what i thought was causing the issue,but that has had no effect. It still blew the fuse the moment i turned the ignition on. This could be expensive!
  17. Was the worst timing for it to happen,just about to get on the train to go Lemans. lol Hopefully the relay will solve the issue.
  18. Iv recently had this issue,and then i lost my entire dash and trip computer,no revs,speedo,fuel etc,TC ABS etc. I think iv sourced it down to a faulty relay,as one of the fuses (bottom row nearest the bulkhead) blew,then kept blowing (so to speak ) Iv got another relay coming tomorrow,hopefully this will fix the issue,but il keep you posted.
  19. We moved in to our house 2.5 years ago,and the previous owners had some dodgy DIY going on. One piece of which was wiring up the garage electrics by drilling a hole through the wall behind a plug in the kitchen and just adding another cable into the back of the plug,using internal use only cable! When we had the drive replaced,i got them to lay new cable from the fuse box. But disconnecting the old cable from the back of the plug socket,i accidently slipped with the screw driver,and touched both terminals at the same time! Result was a nice chunk missing from the screw driver,and almighty band from the contact made and the fuse box,and a slightly dazed me! (not to mention the builders rushing round to check on me) I had to go get another fuse terminal (old spec fuse box) and was told that to blow the 30amp fuse in that must have taken a some stupid voltage! I swiftly paid (£20) and left. lol
  20. Daryl

    Relay issue?

    Well i took the relay out this morning,and drove the 30miles to work with no other issues. Iv had a guy in electronics have a look at it,and he seemed to think its buggered. So replacing the relay,and hoping that solves the issue
  21. Daryl

    Relay issue?

    Well iv just taken out the relay from under the battery cover,and it has made no difference when i turn the car on. Its the one marked Rev Lamp relay. Iv just looked in the owners manual,and it says that if the Slip light,ESP and ABS come on while driving,it would indicate an open circuit. Could this coming on the other day,be a warning to the relay failing?
  22. I was there! I was amazed how many looks and photos and comments the Zed got. I was parked opposite the Bar and burger van (next to the toilets) in Houx Annex,so was on display abit. Also had a great sound off in a long tunnel with a new shape yellow Mustang,i think it had straight through exhausts,as they were side exit,and it was stupidly loud,but that was fun on the way down there.
  23. Daryl

    Relay issue?

    No not touched the HU. The mechanic who serviced the car the other week says he disconnected the battery,as he had to move the alternator to get my AMS pulley on,but thats it. Could this be related to the ABS,ESP and TC light coming on the other day?
  24. Daryl

    Relay issue?

    Not a problem chap,thanks for trying atleast. I have not got a clue what the issue is,so hope its nothing that takes a long time to fix,as im abit skint this month. lol Just strange that it happened all of a sudden when the car got hot,and when i accelerated away from a toll.
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