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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. Amazing! Iv always wanted to do this,though what happens when youve been out for a drive and its been raining?
  2. Awesome,if ever you need any glass fibre repairs to the boat,or anything made out of glass fibre,let me know. He does fish ponds,flat roofs,and all sorts of stuff in/for the dock. He will also make anything for you.
  3. I'm sorry to hear that. My dads workshop is in Tilbury,Dock Road,spent 2.5 years working there.
  4. I know Tilbury very well,hope its not been stolen!
  5. Which would you say was better the JWT or the K&N? I noticed that getting going after traffic with the pop charger,the car felt a little slower,cant say iv had the same situation so far with the K+N on. The JWT is alot bigger than the filter on the K+N, not sure if that alters things at all. I wouldnt mind a JWT filter in a K+N style box. The K+N comes with a proper cold air feed,and i actually ran my JWT with the K+N air feed,though noticed no real difference. I think if you can pick up a 2nd hand Typhoon system (as i did) its probably worth the extra over the JWT,but would struggle to justify a brand new K+N against a JWT. Hope this helps
  6. Sorry,i refitted it all yesterday afternoon. However,its the raw edge on right hand bottom corner that is abit tight with the wiring loom. You will see what i mean when you offer the box up in the space. I just took 5mm or so off that and also put abit of rubber trim on it to protect it some more. It was just ever so slightly chaffing,and when under load etc,with the engine moving,it very slowly went through.(just above the hard plastic shroud that is there. My car came with a JWT pop charger,so iv never had a proper air box,but love the sound.
  7. I live 10minutes from Silverstone,could have had a mini meet! I anyone goes to silverstone or Whittlebury hall for anything,and fancies a cuppa,then fell free to contact me.
  8. I have a Typhoon,and think its great,well i did,until it slowly ate through my wireing loom. Luckily,it earthed out on the power cable to the dash and air con. (I say lucky,but it was pretty tough when it happens on your way to Leman) I have ground back the edge that caused the problem,and also put an edging strip on it to protect the cables. I would say go for it,as its a nice piece of kit,just be aware that its a tight fit in the space,and watch any wires carefully.
  9. Looks like some idiot has either put thread lock on it,or totally crossed threaded it and done it up really tight. Id imagine your best bet would be to take the whole unit out from the inside,and put a new one in.
  10. Daryl

    350z Spoiler

    Sorry if that came across abit abrupt chap,was not intentional. Im hot and bothered. lol
  11. Daryl

    350z Spoiler

    I wouldnt do that if i were you. I think if you coated the whole spoiler in filler,then as soon as you close the boot hard,or rest on the spoiler,the filler will crack and leave you feeling very frustrated. Id imagine its not very thick,but does it really need to be,its not as if its a F1 car with huge downforce generating potential. If just fill any dips etc,and leave the main body alone. Feel free to argue. lol
  12. Iv been using them for a few years now,they are brilliant,well worth the £13ish quid for the pack. I use them for loads of stuff,from drying the car,to buffing wax off and applying detailing spray.
  13. Daryl

    Winter Tyres

    I have no idea what make I want,I'm new to all this. But don't want to drive in the winter months with my 19" wheels. Can you suggest any brank or design I should be looking for?
  14. Daryl

    Winter Tyres

    Im changing back to my standard wheels this winter,but need some winter tyres for them. Does anyone know when the best time to buy them is,and best place to get them?
  15. Wow,thanks for the write up. My car has developed a clunking,and it sounds like its coming from low down in the front of the car. Maybe this is the issue.
  16. Hello and welcome to the club. The Skyline looks fantastic,being a Leman edition,it must be worth a fair bit,any more pics or link to advert?
  17. There is no Jesus handle on the passenger side for people to grab as you approach a round about.
  18. I last saw one of these with its butt in a ditch,smashed front screen and smashed up side. I think abit of LOFT may have been involved!
  19. Iv had my Zed nearly a year now,and since its first service with me,its never needed a top up,and thats with 10,000 miles. I like to hear the engine pulling to the top of the rev range too,aswell as a 30 mile each way commute. I do however makesure that if i start it up,i always makesure the car is warmed up before turning it off,even if im just moving the car to wash it or make room on the drive. I think this also helps. I remember when Evo ran an S4/RS4 4.2 V8,they were worried about oil consumption,and Audi said anything less than 1L every 1000 miles was normal!
  20. I have these fitted,great quality component. I notice it in 6th the most,pulls abit better and abit easier than it used to. If you feel the weight of the standard pulleys,you would fit them. Id say the standard ones weigh 3x more than these,maybe more. Il take them into work tomorrow,and weigh them.
  21. Varrstoen ES2.2's in custom colour
  22. Show off! Looks like im getting the Apple TV when my finances are sorted. The Airport Express only streams music,not video or photos,you need the TV for that.
  23. No No,im still there,occupying the space,dont worry about that. lol Anyone fancy keeping me company?
  24. Hello and welcome,i know what you mean about waiting to pick the Zed up,i had to wait a week,and that was too long!
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