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Everything posted by madwi

  1. 150 is the most ive read about people using on stock internals. I myself have the long term goal of 150 but im not brave enough to try it without beefing up some bottom end. I dont want to end up like this...i think i read somewhere it was a 200 shot, but dont quote me on that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5pYAMhs ... =1&index=1
  2. Yummy! Hopefully get a start this weekend on this
  3. http://uprev.com/ There a few posts under the HR section of my350z. about it too.
  4. Hopefully with the release of the Uprev/osiris ecu tuning I can safely run a 150 shot with the max extreme controler. That is the long term goal for now. But for starters I plan on getting it all hooked up on the 50 jets. I have 50/75/100 jets coming in the mail. So I guess I will have to see how big of a smile the 50 and 75 jets give me at first and go from there. Id love to go FI but i aint that big of a baller, especially in this economy.
  5. Well I ordered the WON system today minus bottle (save on shipping) so we will see how this adventure goes. I chose the WON based on comparing solenoids solely. I like the fact that they are CNC machined. Being a CNC machinist myself, the decision was a no brainer lol. After searching for threads/info about solenoids failing, the WON solenoids came out on top of the pack. The plastic hose doesnt bother me at all. It may look cheaper but plastics today are not something to be sneared at in my opinion. Plus I am covering all the visible lines under the hood with wire looms anyways so i wont even see it. Hopefully I will have a post up soon titled "oh sh!t this thing is fast" lol
  6. Yea i have done searches for NOS nitrous n20 and read all of em I was hoping there may be a lurker or two with the system. Good news is that WON said they are going to be posting a few pics of a 350Z they just finished on so that should be a big help with info. I need the dollar to get stronger for when i purchase lol i was a bit when i looked up the exchange rate lol
  7. T-minus a few days till I order! any comments? Hope you all have a great holiday season! Cheers! Scott
  8. man i sure do love XM radio! no commercials and the genre of music i want to hear at any given moment. Slippers eh? good stuff for when the bathroom floor is freezing in winter and you gotta go in the middle of the night!
  9. ^ lol Anyone have a 2008 touring with 6k miles on it that is right hand drive and wants to trade up even with me lol for the price of shipping could be fun to mess with all the traffic cameras lol of course im joking but it would be fun.
  10. anyone play call of duty 4 modern warfare online?
  11. http://www.boingboing.net/2008/10/27/ge ... -cops.html Im pretty big into Radar detectors and laser jammers and I came across this on one of those forums... I thought you all would get a kick outta this
  12. Well I have narrowed the kits down to either NX or Wizards of nitrous. I found their forum/website. I read a lot of info and now im looking for some independant un-biased reviews of people that have wizards installed on their rides. It will cost me more to go with the wizards setup as ill have to ship form the UK to the US, but if the solenoids are THAT much better ill end up ordering from them. So My actual question is If you own a Wizards of nitrous setup on your ride how do you like it? If you could change anything would you? If money was no object (haha yeah i do have a budget ) what would you go with and why? Just from the little research i did on their forum it goes on and on how they are the safest, best (obviously they arent going to say yeah, we suck). I did read how NX copied their solenoids. Also how they offer up a challenge to any other nitrous company and the NY-Trex stepped up and got smacked down like a little ho. This is getting a little long winded lol. I guess its a big deal to me to have the best kit out there. All the "look i blew my motor using nitrous" threads/vids is just playing on my emotions of whom to go with lol. Thanks in advance and I appreciate everyones time. Scott
  13. yeah thats about 3x as much ($90)
  14. im not gonna do anymore math but the gas gauge was almost on Empty and to fill it up it was a grand total of $33 and some change.
  15. Sadly yes. But it is a nice relief as we were paying just north of $4 a gallon not to long ago.
  16. I just paid $2.09 per gallon (US) for BP premium
  17. comes out to $6.70 per UK gallon...id need a second job lol im going to stop doing math now...I work third shift and its bed time lol.
  18. lol. I often wonder why I still live here...then i see your gas prices
  19. ^ wow, id cry. P.s. told you id screw up that math
  20. If my math is correct (dont bet on it ) thats about $5.63 a gallon (3.785L p/gallon). ouch, thats an expensive fill up. Id have to fill up when i used a 1/4 of a tank so i wouldnt feel bad lol.
  21. Just out of curiosity what kind of prices are you ladies/gentlemen paying over there?
  22. I hear the vreds have a very nice stiff sidewall. (info taken from a couple of forums so take it for what its worth)
  23. madwi

    Zed badges?

    You can always go with a big Z in the back Actually I wasnt going to change it out, but someone decided they wanted the nissan burger for themselves
  24. I'll be ordering a set of these in the spring. I just had some blizzaks put on and threw out the stockers...of course on the way to the tire shop I had to roach off a decent amount of rubber so i wouldnt feel too wasteful The price is a big plus. I was quoted $600 for a set. $150 a piece is golden in my book.
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