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Carbon Coops

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Everything posted by Carbon Coops

  1. Think it should be I lukd thro a dicshunry a nikd
  2. Yea workout will be pretty much the same coops
  3. Yea climbing is a great workout, my climbing is a tad different to yours though i am guessing, i climb large masts and towers and maintain aerials etc at the top of them, extra workout when you have to carry stuff up with you and then haul more equipment or replacements up Coops
  4. Being in the Military and my trade more so i get a lot of time to go to the gym so i use it I am not big on running etc but i do enjoy lifting weights My too favorite challenges have been 13 mile tab in full kit and weight in the falklands and a 24hr charity bench press, we benched weight of HMS Clyde Raised lots of money for charity with both Coops
  5. Sorry if re-post but i think its great Coops
  6. Nice looking example, Mod wise i would advise Stubby aerial 1st, followed by an induction kit Coops
  7. Sorry, Was only playing. (walks off with his tail between his legs) PLEASE NOTE NOT MEANT HOW IT MAY 1ST COME ACROSS TO SOME MEMBERS Coops
  8. Used them on older cars before and they are useless!, wouldnt risk it on the Z Coops
  9. Just to help this reach 10 pages, Another young female member and owner, is it time to pull coops's lonely heart thread back up Coops
  10. Hi and welcome, take care in this weather been too many near misses/accidents Get some pics up when you can Coops
  11. I think that one thing is clear on here and that is that everyone is different and different things work for different people, I have a very intense training program, Not as intense as the one i had in the Falkland Islands, while there i was in the gym for hours and hours a day, everything from tabbing, running, circuits, weights, boxing, football swimming etc I was taking protein and creatine i did a month in the middle without the creatine and noticed a difference when i started taking it again, But when back in the uk and doing a slightly less intense program i only take protein, lots and lots of protein as much as i can in meals then suppliment it with shakes. While in the F.Islands i was doing a small ABS workout 6 days a week, Yes it killed the next day at first but after a while i was able to do it, i was advised this was ok by a marine PTI and the results proved he was right. Also whilst there i nearly doubled what i could lift on nearly all exercises, again techniquie is what it is about not the number on the end of what your lifting! Also put on alot of weight While there Just getting back into it now I hate the first few sessions but once you get going its all good My work so far this week Mon Circuits AM, Chest and Tri's PM Tue Run AM (little 4mile), Back and Bi's PM Wed Circuits AM, day off weights but working on some cars PM Thu Nothing AM, Shoulders and short run PM Fri Circuits AM, Legs PM Sat Chest and Tris AM, Nothing PM drove to wales Sun RUN AM Back and Bi's PM Coops
  12. The main thing without a doubt though .. Is your diet! You can spend all the hours of the day in the gym but if you're not eating right, then you're not going to make the progress and gains you want ... +1 I dont normally do chest and tri's together but like you i have just mixed my workout big time, also doing them together means double tri workout I dont really bother with legs, i think i will start doing some tho, just hate not been able to walk properly I do ABS everyday too, it recovers so fast you can get away with it Coops
  13. I do like tri's, Everyone like the results of the t-shirt muscle Chest and bi's prob my fav tbh My hands are pretty sore, they get nothing but abuse, if they aint getting cut, burnt, trapped and covered in shite fixing cars, they are getting abused down the gym gripping weights and if they aint doing either of those then the are being abused climbing Coops
  14. Speaking of the gym i had a hard session today after 1 month off due to xmas and one thing or another, did chest and tri's i now cant drive Gotta love the burn, Back and bi's 2mow cant wait As for forarms, tbh i dont really do alot with them but when i do i get an olympic bar the hold it in my hands palms down(like holding a bike handle bar, about 4 inches apart then kneel down next to a bench, put my wrists and forearms on the edge of the bench and raise and lower the bar using my wrists, sometimes i let the bar roll down towards my finge tips, then roll it back up then raise, just to increase the burn for extra measure. Often feels like it isnt doing much but after 2 sets of 10 Also find my shoulders often hurt after being on the track for a long time so mayb add some shoulder stuff in there too Coops
  15. Hey Mike just like to thank you for this in advance Dont think i have met any of the rest of you face to face so hope no one minds me crashing this? Would be great to meet you all My 1st Wales run Cant wait, hoping to have lots and lots more carbon on the Z by then, hope its not too windy or my car will blow away Coops
  16. 1. xstric9x 2. Nixy 3. Martinmac 4. H5 5. Shire 6. Husky 7. Coops
  17. In theory yes, the mot tester can fail it if he/she considers it to be a substantia leak, so it is down to his/her discretion and it it is to the point you can hear it i am 99% sure he/she will fail it. That asside it will also effect the emmisions reading so could fail because of that aswell. Where in the country are you ? Coops
  18. Lol no Got loads of little projects on the go over winter, lots and lots or carbon Coops
  19. Where in the east midlands are you? I have no idea how much it would cost to post i have stuff here to wrap it ? Coops
  20. My 350 is all cosy and warm and dry in my heated garage It was washed polished and waxed before it was put in, although it has no passenger door, no front bumper, no wings, no steering wheel, no bonnet, no b-pillars, no interior and most of the covers in the engine bay removed Coops
  21. i could get one slung in the post for you i will check i have the size for you in the mornin Coops
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