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Carbon Coops

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Everything posted by Carbon Coops

  1. thanks for all the kind coments, I will def not be posting drunk again, and as yet i have no pm's If highly requested i may put the halloween 09 naughty nurse zombie prostitute pole dancing up for a bit but as those who sore it can agree it isnt nice!!!! cant belive its nearly up to 10 pages coops
  2. uh oh 50 mins remain Woke up this morning and thought it was all in my dreams till i logged on just now Ooops, note to self stay away from the laptop when drinking!!!! What worries me more is a prob would have done it sober anyway!!! I have some even worse drunked videos of halloween 09 pole dancing dressed as a naughty nurse zombie prostitute I am here as a trader, member and for your Entertainment!!!!! coops
  3. Not really is good fun though, plus i kinda dont mind making a **** of myself hence this thread! I have alot of crazy mate that give me random challenges etc, halloween was my idea and there was 2 of us the same Good times
  4. Nah i would use RB26 with diff cut off sump, and keep 350 box and just make a matching plate up and keep 6 gears coops 26 engine, 25 gear box, job done I still think 2JZ is the way to go
  5. lol yea thats halloween 09 i was dressed as a naughty nurse zombie prostitute coops
  6. yea loads doubt ill get threw them all 2 nite tho, sorry in advance i will get bk to you all !!!! coops x
  7. yea thinkin drunken posting is not so good pls can we remove this punishment now ?? coops
  8. come on they are like size S girls pj's it was for fancy dress
  9. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo knew i would regret it remove remove arghhhhhhhhhh
  10. i am really thinking about an rb26dett swap just need the funds!!!! coops
  11. lol not a single pm yet the thread is still young and pics added lol i will take requests within reason lol coops I am making this so much worse for myself but i just dont care
  12. hmmmmmm, u ever wish you hadnt clicked that submit button ?
  13. Easy now, i had just done 3 months in afgan prior!! coops Typical crab a bloody Argie tour.
  14. Adjusted knew i would get ripped, pah never mind a hot 18-25yr old might feel sorry for me and i only did 4 Months in the falklands coops
  15. Thanks lol but i am staying well away from WAFS made the mistake of marrying 1 before :S never again!!!!!
  16. this could go one of 2 ways i feel it is going the ripping route
  17. just a thought i'm prob going to get ripped because of this aint i ???? Oh well all good fun coops
  18. i think this is on the rear wheels ? i can imagine it being a mare on the deck, never really done it not on a ramp before but ill have a look 2mow coops
  19. First thing i do when i get in mine is switch it off! hate it !!!!! coops
  20. yes will attach same as original as these are replacement covers !! cheers coops
  21. Only 4 places left! get your names down quick so i can get these made!! coops
  22. Ok spoken with supplier ref the TS diffuser, price wise looking at £375 - £450max delivered on these. looking at a month turn around as i am going to have to buy one to make this happen. Could we please start a list? so i can ensure i getthe cost right for the numbers, as with everything, £10 deposit then after i have the items and quality cheked them, full payment to be made then i will send the item out I will be able to do these in a full range of colours and either 1*1 weave or 2*2 Cheers coops List for TS replica Rear diffuser
  23. TBH No its not, it really isnt worth it as there is next to no difference in price! coops
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