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Everything posted by Jammy007

  1. Just curious, following on from my previous post in the 'off topic' if anyone has a second hand laptop that they're considering getting rid of. Must be a 'decent' spec but doesn't have to run latest games etc. If so drop me a PM asap as probably ordering a laptop on monday Cheers, Jamie
  2. I assume you don't mean On a serious note I can get 1 gig of ram suitable for that laptop for £15-£20 delivered.
  3. Hi guys, In need of a bit of advice. Looking for a laptop for my dad, it doesn't have to blow you away as this is the first time he'll have even used a computer. So I have been offered the following refurb: 1.5Ghz Pentium Mobile CPU 512MB Ram 40 Gig HDD DVD/CD-RW XP Pro Licence 14" Screen £175 with a 3 month warranty (I just realised how much I hate the sound of "3 month warranty"). It also costs an additional £18 for a 12 month warranty. So do any of you's think this is a reasonable deal or is there any better offers out there. Was really only wanting to pay about £150-£200 max as its just for something to potter about with and then I can look at buying a better spec laptop in the future for him.
  4. Hi guys, In need of a bit of advice. Looking for a laptop for my dad, it doesn't have to blow you away as this is the first time he'll have even used a computer. So I have been offered the following refurb: 1.5Ghz Pentium Mobile CPU 512MB Ram 40 Gig HDD DVD/CD-RW XP Pro Licence 14" Screen £175 with a 3 month warranty (I just realised how much I hate the sound of "3 month warranty"). It also costs an additional £18 for a 12 month warranty. So do any of you's think this is a reasonable deal or is there any better offers out there. Was really only wanting to pay about £150-£200 max as its just for something to potter about with and then I can look at buying a better spec laptop in the future for him.
  5. Rang Consumer Direct last night, explained the situation and they said its not an issue of whats covered under warranty as I'm covered under the sale of goods act 1979. They told me to stop verbally speaking to the dealership and from now on deal through letters. The letter I send next also has to be recorded delivery. I have just sent the following which they told me to put somewhere in the letter (along with all the problems): "I have since spoken to Consumer Direct and they have instructed me to write this letter explaining that under the "Sale of Goods Act 1979" you have not provided me with a vehicle of satisfactory quality considering the age, mileage and condition of the car. The Sale of Goods Act 1979 takes preference over any warranty that you have given me on the vehicle. If you cannot repair these faults then I will be looking at a replacement vehicle to the same specification or a full refund". I also included this little bit myself as this also falls under the sale of goods act as the car is not as described: "I would also like to point out that I have a print out of the advertisement that Fred Coupe placed on autotrader to sell the car and in that advert it not only states that it has a Radio/CD Multichanger but it also says later in the advert that the car has a "BOSE Stereo". This means that the car your dealership sold me is not as described as the BOSE stereo doesn't work". If I don't hear anything back from Fred Coupe within 10 days then I have to get back on to consumer direct and take it from there. At least I know i'm not flogging a dead horse and am well within my rights to be arguing this case. Cheers for the help guys, I'll report back with the results.
  6. Martin, Can't seem to find the TB about the speakers cutting out (sound skipping), which one is it as all the problems for the bose don't seem to cover this one?
  7. Nissan Customer Services have just been back on. Said there's nothing they can do or are willing to do and that I'd need to problem fully diagnosed before I can say that it isn't covered under warranty. The thing is, its an audio issue and Fred Coupe aren't willing to look at the fault (or they will but at a cost) because its not a warranty issue. What I was attempting to explain to the girl in Nissan CS is that it is a audio problem though so i'm going to have to pay to get it looked at by Fred Coupe. I told her that I was going to go to Tradings Standards & Citizens advice and she advised me to. That is shocking, because I didn't think Nissan GB would want their name dragged through the mud like this. She also asked if this is the first Nissan I've had and I pointed out that my dad had bought a brand new almera & I'd previously had an Almera before this one (and before the fto). She also said which shocked me, was that Fred Coupe said they sold me the car as trade and that I was made aware of this fact (I obviously wasn't) and that they gave me a good price on the car and aren't willing to put anymore money into the car. I can't believe all this for one minute
  8. I've just received the following via fax from Fred Coupe. According to that warranty it isn't covered. I was just speaking to a guy at work about it and what he said (rightly or wrongly) is that the warranty is actually a contract between the dealership & whoever runs the warranty......NOT between myself & Fred Coupe, so that bit of paper is worthless as my problem is with Fred Coupe Dealership? Can anyone confirm or reject this claim? Will I have anywhere to go with regards to the sale of goods act 1979 as I have the right to expect the car to be: [*:32d1dgq6]of satisfactory quality [*:32d1dgq6]fit for its purpose, including any special purpose made known to the seller [*:32d1dgq6]as described So with me buying the GT version of the car, surely the 'added extra's' of the advertised GT Pack have to be in full working order?
  9. Just spoke to Nissan Customer Services who are going to ring the dealers tomorrow and see what they can do. The guy who rang from Fred Coupe, his exact words on the phone were: "you'll never find a warranty in this world that will cover audio equipment". Should I now ask for the warranty Terms & Conditions to be faxed / emailed to me?
  10. I dunno who the warranty is with. I was told it had a 3 month warranty but was never given anything in writing to show me what was covered and what wasn't covered. Maybe a bit of a school boy error on my part i suppose. Should I ask for my warranty t&c? Surely all garages that are franchised Nissan Dealerships use a blueprint for their warranty?
  11. Am I fighting a losing battle with trying to get Fred Coupe to repair the unit then?
  12. Just finally (after ringing 3 times) had a phonecall back from Fred Coupe who are saying audio equipment isn't covered under the warranty and they're not willing to do anything about the problem. The car is an '04 plate (out of Full Nissan Warranty) and is covered by Fred Coupe Nissan (franchised Nissan dealership) warranty. Whats my next step guys as I'm really at a loose end as where to take this next?
  13. I'm tied in as the warranty isn't a full Nissan warranty and is with the dealership
  14. No problem I'll keep that in mind. Although they've just had a sunset zed in and had to replace the headunit on that aswell so they've just been through the 2 week process with whoever the owner was. He left his car for 2 weeks while they removed the HU, sent it off and awaited a replacement. I can't afford to leave the car sitting for 2 weeks as I'm not local to the dealership (2 hours away). Another thing that worries me is that the guy said "we'll get it down here and have a look at it" Again its not 10 minutes down the road, its 2 hours and a day off work every time this happens and with being a contractor its not cheap to have a day off work. But what happens if he gets it down to the garage and the speakers don't cut out when its down there? They'll just send me packing again as they did with the clicky axle problem?
  15. Cheers Martin, at least I know he's correct when he says he's going to send the unit off to the manufacturer. Why does it feel like I'm going around in circles with everything?! On a positive note, once all the problems are sorted it'll be sunny weather again and then I can really enjoy the zed!!!
  16. The service guy is now saying that the headunit doesn't get sent off to Nissan it gets sent off to the manufacturer (he didn't state Bose as I was waiting for this as I would politely point out its a Clarion unit and that Bose take no responsibility for the HU). Is this correct that they don't deal with Nissan and actually deal with Bose / Clarion? Could do with knowing as I'm ringing back in an hour once the service / parts department has spoken to the sales manager I was speaking to.
  17. I'm going to push for a brand new unit as this would be the third unit thats been fitted in the zed since it was manufactured. I've just spoke to Nissan C.S. to get a feel if my arguements stand up for when i ring the stealers and they just basically say they aren't technically minded and that they go with what the tech guys at the dealers say. So if they say it needs sent away for 2 weeks for repairs then thats what they do. I'll ring the dealers in the morning
  18. Thanks guys, was just double checking before I start putting my point across.... I try to be as nice as possible with them but then they just start annoying me I'm going to ring Nissan Customer Services up at dinnertime and explain the problems I'm having with my dealership before I actually ring the dealership. I'll keep you posted
  19. My Bose Headunit keeps cutting out, left speaker and sometimes both speakers. I know of the common headunit problem so I've briefly spoken to my dealership about the unit. The car is still under their warranty but not a full Nissan Warranty. I'm in the middle of a bum fight with regards to the clicky rear axle. I mentioned about the headunit problem and they said I needed to book the car in and they'd remove the HU and send it off for repair, if it couldn't be repaired then they'd be sent a "new one". I believe the new one will again be a refurb'd unit. The problem with this is they're saying that they need to send the HU away and i'll be without the unit for around 2 weeks. From what I understood, all they need is a serial number from the back of the unit and then they can reinstall while they await the new unit from Nissan (whether it be a refurb or brand new). Some stealers argue blind that they can't refit the unit while they're waiting of the new one but I'm sure someone on here or **REMOVED** said that this was only due to Nissan compensating the stealer for one removal & install. I have had the cars history checked by my local Nissan dealer and the car has had a headunit fitted under warranty so this would be its third HU in total, should I insist on a brand spanker this time around as obviously the two units I've had before haven't been up to scratch. Also have they changed the proceedure with regards to the BOSE and they now send the units away for fixing, or are the stealers once again trying to pull a fast one?
  20. I thought you'd be the one Martin was telling me about. There's isn't many round here, one at Iggesund, but he's an oldie that won't join. He's on his second and now has a roadster in silver I think. What did you think of the dealership at Rowrah, I found that they weren't willing to put any work in with regards to me finding a 350z. Just didn't seem interested and it was if they were thinking to themselves "as if he is serious about buying a zed". That was just the old guy that works there as a salesman. I promise I will get pics up asap, got some of the FTO but will wait and put them up once I get the zed waxed and some pictures taken. Loving the cars, both yours and Martins.
  21. Hi there guys.... Andy, got your card at dinnertime, was just waiting for you to post on here before I made my post. So what car you driving (maybe an obvious question) and where abouts you from? Martin beat you to it though Andy, he got me to sign up a couple of weeks ago, but made me feel good when I had the card in the door Which company you working for on site? Did you notice I park over two parking places now aswell since some idiot decided to open their door into my passenger door. Luckily it was their paint on my door which I was shocked at considering the Nissan paint!!
  22. Exactly what I was looking for thanks Ian. I now know what orange peel is and mine certainly doesn't have that. I know I've checked my car top to bottom but was just worried i'd missed a trick and not spotted something. Keep up the good work guys
  23. Anyone got a picture to see an example of orange peel on a zed? (please, please, please refrain from posting up ANY silly pictures) - sorry for ruining your fun guys
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