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Posts posted by givememorepower

  1. Some cracking pics. Sexy sexy sexy.

    I'd sooner just lower say by 25mm then if that's the straight forward option. Keeping my standard nissan 18" wheels cos I like them, and not really in favour of rolling the arches.

    If I just replace the springs on their own, purely to improve the appearance of my car, will I still suffer from 'sag', and will it affect the handling of my car at all in a negative way??

    (never lowered a car yet, and I've had around 14 cars so far!)

  2. I've checked recent threads, but wanted to know if :


    Anyone out there who has lowered there car enough,(silly low), that they don't suffer from driving round the block to find a street without speed bumps so they don't make sparks and scrapes!?


    I gather from reading posts that most go for 25mm, but how low can I actually go?? (2006 Z)


    Which spring are recommended from experience, (not bothered about playing with constant adjustments) and will they get my bank manager rubbing his hands together as I walk up to the cash machine to withdraw funds?



  3. I'm not into straight line racing etc, give me bendy roads and I'm a happy camper. I just enjoy getting on some as I was into bikes way before cars, and like the speed.

    If an ecu upgrade is going to make a very noticable difference and isn't going to cost a bomb, then I would be interested. Just want more power.

    - so can you recommend a piggy back ecu please? What are the power gains with this method then?

  4. I have been looking through the gallery etc and at pics of your damn fine 350's with a 'wide wheel setup'.

    I have also had a right laugh at the painful things people have done to their Z's with strange wheels that are just too thin. Especially that ttt sucker who fitted S200 wheels!


    If I was to buy a set of spacers to broaden my wheel set up and make my car look proper fat, which brands are best suited to my car, which thickness is the best to go with, does this mean my springs need changing, and at what point would (if at all) my handling be affected????


    I have been searching the previous threads and so on but can't find an exact answer.

    Can anyone help please??



    I have a 2006 Z with the 17" standard Nissan 'touring' wheels with dirty Bridgestones fitted.


    Cheers guys. :D

  5. Now then.


    I've been through previous threads on this site and read a couple of installation manuals on the net for installing a NOS system.

    I checked out prices and info on 'Wizards of Nos'.

    It seems straight forward enough.


    It's quite likely that I'll go ahead with this in the very near future, so can anyone recommend a supplier in the Yorkshire region please who someone has had experience dealing with (Good) ?


    What I'd like to know is are there any Z owners who are currently running Nos on an unmodified engine, and have done so safely for a duration, and at what power increase?


    Let me know.


    Cheers. :teeth:

  6. Good responses guys.


    I have looked into the superchargers/turbos and understand perfectly how they work, yet can't justify the cost at the mo as I've only had the car for five months, and my piggy bank is still recuperating!


    I've tried several places to get a re-map but can't find anyone with the capabilities.

    I have been told that an induction kit will make my car idle roughly.

    And I have also been told that an exhaust system will bring a fault light up on the dash??


    Any of these true?


    I have had turbo cars before, the quickest being a 324bhp Evo, yet every time I 'had a go' it fell to bits, even though it was two years old.

    I decided to opt for a sexy to look at but naturally aspirated car for the reliability, and he ho I bought my zed.

    I hate cack like fast and the furious, don't modify my cars at all, and just want more power. (been on bikes since I was 14)

    I enjoy learning new things and taking advice from people who have previous experience, also hoping that their mistakes can save me some money!!


    From all your great responses I'm going to divulge as much info as I can regarding Nos, but dubious on where to get 'genuine' information as a lot of people bend the truth regarding power gains etc. I'm pretty satisfied with the acceleration and torque, but reckon a greater mid range punch would improve things (similar to when a turbo kicks in and gets on one).


    Is there anyone on here who is using nos at the mo and had no problems as of yet?

    I knew a lad who ran his Audi on it and ruined his engine (not sure what power or damage to what extent).

    Thanks for all of your help, I'll get some more info and then fire some questions.


    And finally I'm near Driffield.


    Cheers, Badger.

  7. Now then guys, nice to meet you all !


    I'm after some advice on fitting NOS to my beautiful grey Z. I know a guy who works in the industry and I have a quote for supply.

    I wondered if I'll have to uprate any other parts of my engine when fitting, due to the increase in pressure on my internals? And do I have to drill the engine block or will it just piggy back onto my injector(s)?


    Is it going to be safer to install a kick ass supercharger, or again due to the pressure increase will I have to change the manifold or gaskets etc?


    Finally, if I am uprating engine power, do I need to change my exhaust system to increase flow?


    Any advice will be greatly appreciated, Cheers,


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