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Everything posted by givememorepower

  1. Right, I like the shiny but also enjoy diy, and I have NO excess pocket money. So does anyone know how I can make with the shiny myself? Brasso/Dremmel(without swirly marks)/wet and dry/etc etc. I don't know. Any one had a go at this where it didn't end in
  2. Tin snips or proper wire cutters would do it if they were sharp enough, otherwise they'd just squash it. Use a g-clamp and a bench saw for a nice easy cut, but make it quick.
  3. NICE. Where did you get your carbon goodies from please? How much did you pay too? Very Very Very tempted to follow in your footsteps indeed! Do you need to take the plenum off to polish it or can you do it whilst fitted as is? Also is it machine polished or with a resin etc.?
  4. I bet you was in town behind Hull College weren't you??? Seen the fcukkers tow two away from there and had a word to them myself. A mate of mine got towed on Princes ave recently. If it was me, I'd give the bloke a right good slapping, and I'd mean it too. Then I'd get my grinder out of my van to take his clamp off, and then bury it through his fron windscreen! And slash his tyres, and probably kick him in the teeth. Then I'd call the boys. Mate, I feel for you. Just mention tow trucks and wheel clampers and I'll get RAGE. Absolute scum. But in future mind the signs!
  6. you can easiy see what the car ooks ike before the refectors are fitted. I'm working on my car tomorrow so I' stick a pic on for you if you sti need to see how much sexier it ooks with the aftermarket ones fitted. as i said mine are grey on a grey car, not sure what you are after. PS the key on my keyboad next to the 'K' and beneath the 'O' seems to be un working!!!!!!
  7. I like the cut of those tailpipes, would much prefer one without the rear box on show. Any suggestions? Cheers.
  8. So has anyone got any pics of the Scorpion then? I agree with the K1 comment, sound good, look just awful, something I would expect to see to a rusty old celica!! But that's just my opinion, different strokes for different folks (I like most strokes). Is it just a cat back? A quality non-boy racer sound is also important to me, don't want to spoil the car by making it sound naff, want it to make me wanna
  9. I know this will have come up before, so I only expect vague replys. Any of you guys with just too much money have a supercharger fitted? I'm interested in seeing some pics if anyone has them, an idea of overall cost, and which brand to go for should I take the plunge! I looked into the Turbo route, but just don't have that type of money. The thought of a supercharger makes me feel
  10. I'm after a stubby for my car, but no, I don't want it to light up and flash whilst I'm driving, and no I don't want it to be chrome either! Oh yeah, and it's important that it works too ! Is it usually an S200 that people fit as a direct replacement? And can you get these cheaper from anywhere other than Honda? Cheers.
  11. I got some from America off ebay for I think less than £30. My car is Grey, and the reflectors are also Grey. Looks Stops the front of the car looking like a traffic cone! (Just a pig to fit)
  12. just got a set of four on order. Should be fitted this weekend. Oh yeah, giggidy giddidy.
  13. You could always buy some budget ones off the net, and see how long it is before your wheels beat you around a corner -Only joking, I thought the same until I swa how they make the Z look. Currently ordering a set. They make it look
  14. I agree with that. Definately allow more 'unclean' air into the engine. I've got a Neuspeed induction kit on my golf gti turbo (sounds effing awsome - throaty chishes accelerating and gear changing - just mint), and even though they recommend cleaning only every 60k, I've had to clean and oil it almost every 10k which includes removing my throttle body too and cleaning that up, as it's almost always as bad as the filter!
  15. Have a meet local to me then and I'll turn up and nosey at the array of Z's?
  16. NICE. Appreciate the photos. Very cool. Going to probably do the same then, 20 front and 25 rear. I think that's about as good as it gets, 25 fronts may look a little odd, plus a little worried now about spraying my doors with grit and gravel. Chesterfield, are your wheels the GT4's or from a 370Z? Look pretty damn good!
  17. I know i've just brought this up already, but I am really keen to see if anyone has fitted 25mm spacers front and back as opposed to the 20mm's. I'm definately buying some, but really fancy that extra fat look, and haven't yet seen a Z with 25's. A lot of money to waste for an experiment of it looks gay. Due to the unbelievable amount of speed bumps it's very unlikely I'll lower my car Please please has anyone any pics???
  18. On the border of east/north yorkshire. Between York and Scarborough. I want a sticker for my van, and possibly the front lip of my Z depending on how it looks. Discreet but there. Z power.
  19. Are the 350z-uk stickers still available? If so how do I get some if I have no paypal account?
  20. Seen a black one going through Kilham near to Driffield. Was it you?
  21. Bum deal. At least they lost your future business and hopefully everyone else's on here who are local to you. Maybe one of the site Moderators should post a permanent thread in the Forum for us to inform others of either good/bad garage experiences to save on bad experiences!?
  22. Englishman Irishman and a Scotsman pull off a bank job and are trying to escape the local fuzz. They dash down an alley behind a pub and all jump in a large wooden beer barrel each. The police charge down the alley and start kicking the barrels to see if the criminals are hiding in, behind, or near them. The first one has the englishman in it, and in a quick thinking response starts barking like a dog. Satisfied with this the police move onto the next barrel and start shaking it from side to side, the scot starts shrieking and meowing like a disturbed cat. This also satisfies the police that no criminal would be hiding here. The police move on to the final barrel that the irishman is hiding in and start beating the sides with their truncheons, the irish man does first thing that comes into his mind in a desperate attempt to evade jail and says..........'potatoes''''.
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