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Everything posted by 350zStephen

  1. I still have this sitting in my garage...
  2. I seen this parked up in Motherwell train station today. Very nice.
  3. I have the HTC Desire, and I take my charger everywhere I go aswell. The battery usually lasts 8-12 hours using the phone heavily and lasts 24 hours on standby. I much prefer it to my old first gen iPhone and my mates iPhone 4.
  4. Ah sorry to hear that mate, nothing a wee half bottle wont sort out Pulsar is a no no, now that is a neddy car. Ricey, I have my two elder brothers on the policy that drive her time to time. They are mid 30's with over 10 years NCB, they alone knock £1k off the policy from a new quote. The sad thing is that I am only 21. My 4 years NCB and clean licence doesn't help much. And thanks Paulie.
  5. Custards are getting as common as muck Paulie, I also seen one in Motherwell today. :P
  6. Not good Neil, I was falling to bits after returning from a relaxing two week holiday in Mexico. Ear infection, chest infection and was coughing up stuff for months. Then went to Kavos with the lads, complete bender, no sleep, never eat right, and felt right as rain when I returned. Just don't get it. Glad your better now mate. I don't think postcode matters much Neil as we are in pretty much the same postcode. I think because I leave my zed on the street possibly bumps up my premium. Have already had a look at 3000GT's Irfan, cracking performance for the money, but heard they are abit of a moneypit to keep running, which is not ideal for me. I have loved them since I had one in Gran Turismo 2. It was actually the fastest car in the game believe it or not.
  7. Jenni, my insurance had ran out on Friday, and Admiral want £1500 up front for 10 months. I think it is a better idea taking it off the road during the winter months buying a runner, and having more fun in it when the weather is better. Nice one Neil, how was the holiday? You just cruising about in your work van then? I agree with you about the whole ned thing, I just want something that is cheap to buy, AWD, and is fun. If the weather is anything like last years, i'll be taking the bus to work for 2-3 months. I had a few scary moments last winter with black ice and snow, and I would not like a repeat this year. hehe.
  8. Welcome Dave, it looks like you have bought a cracking example. Another fellow young owner. Who did you get insured with if you don't mind me asking? Admiral?
  9. After getting silly offers, and having plenty timewasters contact me about the sale of my zed, she has been put to hibernation for the winter. Since Friday, I have used public transport to get to work, and to the girlfriends. I miss her dearly. (my zed ofcourse) Whilst she is kept nice and snug in my garage, I am planning to get her mint for next spring.. respray bumber, refurb wheels/possibly new wheels and a few wee extras. Has anyone previously owned a UK 2000 Impreza Turbo? there is a few within my price bracket of £3k. Opinions? They seem pretty good to have for the winter, and hopefully I will be able to get out of my street this year if it snows. Cheers
  10. No Y-Pipe Paul, Neilp is the new owner of it.
  11. Found a cracking Nissan Micra for sale, only 17 miles away from me. 1995, 45k miles, previous minister owner, year MOT and just serviced. £595 ono.. looks cracking!
  12. No bother, a technical bulletin sent to over 600 fast fit garages is wrong. Also, I can't be arsed debating tyre fitment on a Peugeot 206. I spend all day talking about tyres, and I certainly am not going to do in my free time. Google Peugeot technical and give them a call yourself.
  13.        Reminder of Correct Fitment of New Tyres to the Rear Symptom: Compromised vehicle handling under severe conditions due to incorrect placement of new tyres. As a tyre ages its performance deteriorates, which means regardless of tread depth it will not perform as well as a new tyre. If new tyres are fitted to the front with part-worn tyres at the rear, under certain conditions the vehicle could have a tendency to OVERSTEER. In addition as a tyre ages it also becomes more susceptible to punctures, which could lead to a rapid deflation of the tyre, which in turn could induce severe oversteer. On-going research has established that in wet weather driving conditions, partly worn tyres fitted to the rear of a vehicle do not have the capability to disperse water at the same rate as newly manufactured tyres, which again can cause a severe oversteer effect. An oversteering vehicle is inherently unstable and can be difficult to control even at moderate speeds. So when tyres are replaced, placing the new tyres to the rearoffers greater safety, apart from giving significant reduced probability of a puncture or sudden deflation it also increases the drivers likelihood to maintain control of the vehicle. All tyre manufacturers’ recommend always placing new tyres to the rear. Remedy: IN THE INTERESTS OF SAFETY, WHEN REPLACING TWO TYRES, ALWAYS, FIT THE NEW TYRES TO THE REAR OF THE VEHICLE. NOTE: The only exception to this is when a Customer specifies a different fitment location. However, you must inform the Customer of the reasons for your recommended fitment. This instruction to fit replacement tyres to the rear applies irrespective of the vehicle being front or rear wheel drive. Note: Please remember that there are specific circumstances where the above instruction does not or may not apply: ·      Where front and rear tyre sizes are designed to be different ·      Where a vehicle is designed to have directional tyres at the front and asymmetric at the rear. Remember to consult appropriate Technical Bulletins or contact the Tyre Manufacturer for specific information regarding vehicle tyre fitments where you require specialist information in order to make the safe and correct fitment decision. DraftsSent
  14. Nismo cat-back exhaust Removed after covering only 10,000 miles, in excellent condition and is a straight fit on a UK zed. There is one very small dink on the back of the backbox, which is unnoticeable when the exhaust is fitted, and scraping to the underside of the centre section as shown in pictures. (Damn Asda car parks) Which is also unnoticeabe when fitted. The exhaust will be given a good polish before it goes. Dink shown here... £800 Collection only in the Lanarkshire/Glasgow area. Many thanks, Stephen.
  15. Cracking shed Jay, i'm currently on the look out for a wee runner to do me over the winter months. This would have done nicely. Any plans for it? Cherry bomb exhaust, paint hubs red, neon lights?
  16. Are you a complete idiot? Do you have no comprehension on how tyres work? Sorry to sound harsh, but that's just the most stupid piece of advice I've heard on here in a long time. If mixing tyres front and rear is bad, then just how suicidal do you have to be to have three different makes of tyre on one car? With all due respect, I have worked for a major lease company for the past 5 years as a Fleet Controller, and I authorise in excess of £30,000 worth of tyres every day on various lease cars, varying from Aston Martin DB9's, Ferrari's to Fiat Pandas. Please explain how mixing tyres on a 206 CC is going to make a difference with regards to handling or safety? It is a Peugeot 206 for the name of God, not a powerful RWD or AWD car. I have access to every tyre technical bulletin from every car manufacturer, and I can assure you that Peugeot have no isues with mixing tyres on a 206. I'll even forward you the number for my contact at Peugeot technical if you wish to give them a call. The reason why my previous post was not in much detail, is because I posted it from my mobile phone in work. You are the idiot my friend.
  17. I would mix tyres on it, it will not cause any issues .
  18. Very easy to replace. If you remove your wingmirror, it is just a rubber seal behind it. Best try ZMANALEX...
  19. That is some job Husky, I better book a day off work. I already have Autoglym metal polish, so i'll give it a bash with that. I'll also post up some before and afters.
  20. My Nismo exhaust is getting removed on Wednesday. I am wondering what is the best products to use to get the exhaust gleaming as the mid-pipe and exhaust tips have lost its shine. Many thanks
  21. Looking for 20 nuts to fit eibach spacers to the hub. Many thanks.
  22. Looking for 20 nuts to fit eibach spacers to the hub. Many thanks.
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