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Everything posted by 350zStephen

  1. I would not say GM/Alzean is rare, i've met a few owners that have this combination. I know someone selling a GM zed, with Alzean leather and Rays. I've ordered Irdium platinum spark plugs, new passenger grab handle cover, and a new gear knob for the zed.
  2. I really like it Irfan. Have you seen the X1? I seen a while one in town a few weeks ago with all the M-Sport goodies on it, it looked smart!
  3. Greggs have jumped n the band wagon and are cashing in on their new pastry snack. It's thick as f*ck, meaty and has a hint of ginger. Sausage Raouls are now on sale for 49p. I had one, it was mighty spicy and nearly blew my head off. Two Glaswegian nuns are in a car when a vampire jumps onto the bonnet. Then un behnd the wheel screamed at her friend " show him your cross!" The nun leans out the window and shouts "Get tae f*ck ya prick or i'll boot yir baws". I banged my head last night so I put some margerine on it. Woke up this morning and I can't believe its not better! Women! They just dont have a sense of humour. My missus didn't find it nearly as funny as I did when I replaced one of her tampons with a party popper. Got to adire Emile Heskey. He has a disasterous World Cup, comes home, puts on a frock and wins the womens title at Wimbledon.
  4. I'd certainly buy the later one for some giggles
  5. Neil suit's that handbag too much for my liking.
  6. It looks like a nice example ATTAK Z, but I think he is mainly looking for a UK zed with alzean leather.
  7. I would have loved to, instead I went to see Shrek 3 3D instead with my friend from over the pond. I spotted the 370z again this morning o the M8 east bound on my way to work at 8am. niiiceeee
  8. Welcome! I recognise your username from Pistonheads.
  9. I taken my fathers Mazda 6 for a spin into town and xscape today.. and seen 5 zeds. I hardly ever see one when i'm out in mine, then see 5 in one day when i'm in a different car. typical ! Silver with "GAZ" reg in Bellshill Black convertible with private plate in Bearsden Gunmetal Grey zed in Anniesland 370z with private plate in Bearsden Azure blue on M8 going east bound.
  10. Honestly maz, it is worth the money. It is a 45-60 minute work out each night, six nights a week and they have to film the work out in one shot, as the fitness instuctors can't even complete it without having a good rest. There is dietry info supplied with the DVD's, however, I did not bother reading them. I simply eat 5 healthy meals a day, and cut out on the alcohol, crisps, fizzy juice and sweets and I was 'jammin!
  11. I have completed the Insanity work out, and it is one of the most difficult things i've done in my life. I thought my fitness levels were good, considering I do a lot of long distance running, and have ran a few marathons, but this work out absolutely hammered me. It hurt muscles I did not know I had. Well in Nurrish, you will not look back.
  12. Looks good. My local asda were selling 2 big tubs of demon shine for £5.
  13. Excellent price. If you were in central Scotland, i'd certainly take you up on this. All the best.
  14. Lambswool mitt for me too. I would never dream of using a sponge on the zed. I HATE swirls! When I see a car with swirls, it makes me cringe inside... am I weird?
  15. Zymol & connolys hide care made my steering wheel look brand new
  16. Slight update. I have covered just over 50 miles on this bike to date, and cycling home from work this evening, my pedal had fallen off whilst I powering down a busy road with traffic all around me. I was very lucky not to fall over on my arse under an on coming car. 5 mile walk home I just have to laugh.
  17. +1 Neils scorpion sounds great. It gives my Nismo a run for the money.
  18. Stunning Phil, nice choice of colour. //These photo's make me want a 370z... Must resist.
  19. I'll give you £100 for yours Chris??
  20. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8759590.stm
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