It's a bit silly that you are still treated as a statistic. I am 21 with 3 years NCB with a 300BHP rear wheel drive car and pay £1200 ish with mods declared and includes Driving other cars and mod cover/windscreen etc with Bell. I have driven many fast cars round tracks and consider myself a good driver, yet my age makes me statistically un-insurable to most companies. I find this frustrating, as you don't see premium's get higher when you become old and frail and cause more accidents?
Statistics and ageism sucks, but that's just life For an example of under-estimating us youngens, my teacher used to be a right **** and put me down as just a kid who wasn't able to do anything, but then I showed him up by winning a Dragons Den live pitch at the age of 17. The other contenders who were all graduates failed to receive funding. Just shows you that age is just a number, but it's how old you are in your head!
Story time over