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Everything posted by R800NER

  1. Good man, now will I recognise the R35 again? or will you be there in the yellow peril
  2. I bought at 20years old....just turned 21 a month or so ago
  3. You don't need spacers for these, they are built into the wheel fitment
  4. Put it this way, if you can drive a VX220 in the wet....you can drive the zed. I am still get used to it..... I moved from a FWD 110BHP golf to a ~300bhp RWD zed. I have a little experience tracking a caterham, S2 elise and have driven a VX220 too, but the zed is quite heavy and planted. I had a moment yesterday on a roundabout at 35mph in the really bad rain and bad road surface when I felt the back end start to come out....the TC kicked in and straightened it up. I find the zed very to bring back even if you need to correct the back end
  5. Tuesday evening hey....will have to see, put me as maybe
  6. Count me in for the stand, I will convoy with Chris if he can make it? Might even get you a birthday balloon or birthday hat to wear for the convoy
  7. Is that for early cars too? I was hoping to get the rev limit on my 53 plate UK car raised to 7200rpm as the guys in the US seem to be doing it without any bother. Well the GT4 comes with 7000 as standard on 276bhp engine tuned to 296bhp as standard. I am not sure how this was done, but I know for sure that low range torque is effected when they did this. I am sure that the rev limit can be achieved, but I think the GT4 has a revised plenum chamber (hence why it drinks a wee bit more oil). I am sure somebody will come along with more knowledge on this, or correct me
  8. I want to see a GT4 result.... I doubt it's possible to raise the rev's any further (7000 at the mo), but I am hoping to go for a plenum spacer to pair with my popcharger and see what a remap will get me.
  9. Tempting, I might buy this off you....give me a bit an hour or two to think about it.
  10. I am intending on going next year. Some of my mates are interested in coming with me, doubt they would be welcome with our lot? Civic type R EP3, Evo 8 and Focus RS. What's everyone doing for insurance..... or is that a silly question
  11. I can make that, stick my name down.... I wanted a meet to go to locally
  12. Nismo V1 rear spoiler is the most popular and looks niiiiiice. http://my350z.com/forum/members/walkert ... poiler.jpg I have a thread on front splitters here: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=25888 Might be worth looking in there too
  13. Yeah but that's playing spot the difference!!! I doubt many would notice
  14. Maybe Liquid art could knock some up? I mean my car is indistinguishable from a normal zed from the outside now that I have no GT4 wheels
  15. I would like to know how they chase up the fine in the UK.... I thought the tickets get lost "in the system" and are hard to carry through and that you only need to worry if a police officer pulls you over?
  16. What lip spoiler is it and would you be willing to sell it seperate from the car
  17. They were already on the wheels when I got them, but I think somebody on here can make graphics for you for a few quid? I can't remember what his username was though
  18. Stichy, I want that! Anyone know what make that is or prices?
  19. That is nice too, anyone know what that is? Any more photos of it?
  20. That would be me, the Mine's Carbon Lip. Ian has the same in the pic above Barry That's the one! I liked that a lot hmmmmmmmmm not decided yet
  21. You know what I think....get them refurbed and get NISMO decals on them Like mine:
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