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Everything posted by scottsoulby

  1. like i say, if you do buy the car, i should have some rays going soon enough, you could transfer the tyres from the wheels on the car to them
  2. i say go for it, there not perminent so you could take them off if you dislike
  3. thats the one matey, ive got all the magazines as well that it was in, expensive they were through ebay but worth reading it
  4. my biggest regret was buying a higher mileage car, mainly or the sale value, but i got it cheap and it was EVO magazines car so cant complain to much
  5. 1/ martinmac if I have to walk there. 2/ SunGodRA - need to confirm, might be in Mexico then 3/ Muddy (sat) 4/ Scott
  6. i might have some rays for sale very soon, although they will need new tyres
  7. Not be long mate, I'm on nights thu fri sat but might have to pop in Friday for another order so might be able to get a couple of sets out then
  8. like the rsw one? should be quite an easy one to do
  9. thanks mate, thats good of you, 4 dispatched today so should be with you in the next couple of days 1. Tarmac PAID DISPATCHED 2. P15ULT (red and black) PAID DISPATCHED 3. Gunmetalzgt PAID DISPATCHED 4. Fakeindian PAID 5. Sparky350z PAID DISPATCHED 6. Unabashed PAID 7. ATTAK Z Cash on collection 8. Ian.Lewkowicz PAID 9. Keithdw PAID
  10. not really the same, prefer to have genuine stuff over wrapping, its part of my business aswell, if i started wrapping stuff id have nothing to sell
  11. all have paid im picking the first batch up on wednesday so should get a few out then
  12. Hi mark, yeah I can get you a set made up anytime if you want them
  13. Not a problem mate, remember to pm me your address
  14. Group buy closed the first few orders should be ready so ill get them sent out asap 1. Tarmac PAID 2. P15ULT (red and black) PAID 3. Gunmetalzgt PAID 4. Fakeindian PAID 5. Sparky350z PAID 6. Unabashed PAID 7. ATTAK Z Cash on collection 8. Ian.Lewkowicz PAID 9. Keithdw PAID
  15. might have suffered from a bogging issue from the induction kit, like said, once remapped, it will be fine and probably better than the standard
  16. is sold a fair few already before christmas so im guessing thats why i was meant to get 10 for this group buy to get it for 40 pounds each but i sorted it out still 13 hours and 20 mins left to put your names down before prices go up again
  17. 1. Tarmac 2. P15ULT (red and black) PAID 3. Gunmetalzgt PAID 4. Fakeindian PAID 5. Sparky350z PAID 6. Unabashed PAID 7. ATTAK Z Cash on collection
  18. 1 day to go guys some orders are practacally complete already, so ill get them sent asap after payments made, ill pm everyone with my paypal address £43 in total please
  19. hi, im thinking about getting the moulds made up for a prefacelift centre console, finished in 1x1 carbon ive got a rough price of £300 retail which works out at £75 less than the rsw kit but mine will hopefully come with the gauge tops blended and moulded in, where as the rsw just cuts around the gauges ill need 10 firm interests to get this up and running really, as the moulds are alot of money, more than i was expecting anyway the console includes the includes the gearknob section and the top section including a cubby cover, my console is already out and at the company ready for me to give them the go ahead if people want them other parts of the interior will be getting done including the door handle inserts, electric window sections, speedo cover, and potentially a few more
  20. either that they are to cold or they have come become detached or broken, id say the best idea would be to take the door card off, im not sure how though as i cant imagine it would be an easy job whilst the door is closed, might be worth a trip to a garage, just to see if they could open it
  21. same problem with mine, ill go buy some of that stuff tommorrow to try
  22. I've only just fitted my number plate, I made a bracket to attach to the square bit where the tow bit is, and have decided to use a square number plate, I'll put some pics up soon
  23. Can you forward the pics to my email, I'll more than likely take them mate, cheap enough to try out so I'll take the dibs my email is scottsoulby@googlemail.com
  24. 3 days to go price goes back to £55 per set after sunday midnight
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