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Everything posted by scottsoulby

  1. He will supply the fitting kit if it's needed, that depends how he makes it
  2. I'm doing a project where you can get a carbon plenum with a moulded in 5/16th plenum for around the £250 mark if your interested? May take a little time though as it's in the planning stage
  3. Sounds good Mate I'll ask him how long a mould will take, I would have thought 4-5 weeks would be plenty, the approx £250 price includes the spacer as it will be moulded into the plenum, so it will be well worth it, all the moulds will include a 5/16th spacer, the only thing I had to do was to put a couple of washers underneath the strut as it slightly touched the plenum but it's fine now
  4. I'm in s****horpe, to answer taddy as well, so both would be of benefit, I'm happy to pay for the postage and I'm sure I can sort some kind of discount.. I tried popping round tonight but he wasn't home so I'll get back there tommorrow at some point to get prices for the battery and brake fluid surrounds and carbon Z badges, also I'll ask how long he will need a plenum and spacer to make a mould from. so if either of you want to pm me I'm sure we can sort it out
  5. Definetly interested mate, it's either that or I'll rent it off you and send it back for you to sell, bit of a money maker for you
  6. Same with me mate, just need a plenum to get the ball rolling, I'd use mine but I couldn't afford to have my car off the road,
  7. I can get both done, the prices were for covers but if people would prefer replacements I'll get them done instead, altough price may differ, as for the surround, I can get that done as well, i'm going to see him at his house later to give him a badge so I'll get him to look at the surrounds for pricing as well Has anyone got a plenum spare I can buy or borrow while the mould Is getting done, think I'll give this plenum a go
  8. It will be strong, Cf can be one of the strongest things out there depending if it's done right, it's shouldn't crack, ive had a plastic kinetix plenum which didn't crack with pressure from the screws, as for temp, he said it's good for 800 degrees which is enough, I'll check with him about getting pictures of other bits he's done, when I was down there today they were custom making parts for a moto gp bike
  9. Yeah I'd love to get one made up, I just need some interest to make me jump in at the deep end and buy the mould before I have orders, it should be a good bit of kit, he makes plenums for bmw's and racing cars, I'd need a spare plenum to Start the project though, the spacer he said just needs the measurements which is easy enough as I've got one the engine cover and battery fluid covers arnt as cheap as I'd hoped, but they are pure CF think I'd need to sell 11 or each to break even on the mould
  10. Or would it be easier to contact the show themselves and ask which clubs closest to us are going?
  11. Right..... Prices.... This is an approximation at the moment... But the moulds are quite expensive, especially the plenum... So.. CF plenum with inbuilt 5/16 spacer and fitting kit to fit under oem strut would be around the £250 mark and that's if I got a few orders engine cover in pure CF would be around £100 again a few orders needed battery and brake fluid covers would be around £75 headlight washer covers would be around £25 a set CF Intake pipe designed from the pipercross kit but smooth so no nasty welds would be around £100 I'll be getting prices on the badge, the radiator cover and maybe a rear diffuser hopefully sooner than later
  12. VeI've seen that for sale and I'm interested in it, I'll have a look into it, I've already had a phone call about prices but I was in tesco shopping so he's ringing me back soon
  13. Ok guys, I've been there today, as tech carbon are doing interior I'm going to focus on the engine bay and a couple of exterior parts I should be receiving mould prices later of: carbon plenum with unbuilt spacer - will be alot stinger than the kinetix and able to use oem strut battery-brake-and engine covers in carbon radiator cover in carbon carbon intake pipe headlight washer covers in carbon and a Z badge copied from the 350z badge big enough to cover the holes in carbon The turn around will be around 2 weeks for everything apart from the plenum which will take a while longer
  14. Who do you think we should ask? Is anyone a member on one of the other forums? And exactly how many of us would there be?
  15. Not good, if there are only a few of us do you think it's worth asking another Nissan/zed club if we can join them?
  16. I'm popping down there today so I'll try sort prices out for a few various bits
  17. I see where your going with this, so basically to do things that people would be interested in that nobody else does, like the plenum with an unbuilt spacer, the headlight washers, maybe my own designed bonnet with the eyelids built in, the nismo bumper carbon centre cover... What else do you think that would be good and unique? I may be able to get prices tommorrow
  18. I Thought there would be more interest on this? Especially in the more common items?
  19. He said it would be a replacment centre console so it wouldn't just be a cover which is good, again if I had enough interest in them I could afford to buy the mould
  20. That's what I thought, it's different to the polished plenums people get, also getting the stock airbox replaced with a carbon fibre one, I can get alsorts done, little things like the headlight washer covers in carbon I just need a few people to buy them to make it worth me buying the mould, otherwise it will cost me a bomb just to make a couple
  21. They will be, I'll either need to give then my own parts to copy or buy some spares. Also can make a plenum cover if I manage to source a plenum, the price all depends on how many people I can get to purchase
  22. Hi everyone... Im not wishing to step on toes of people in the process of selling carbon parts, but i may be starting up selling various parts in carbon fibre and fiberglass. Basically, ive been in talks with a company that makes custom parts and moulds OEM parts in carbon fibre for the racing industry, motor GP and Touring cars, hes put forward to me that i can buy moulds, for example a bonnet and keep them at his workshop for future sales, obviously the moulds will cost ALOT more than just buying one, which is why i would need a bit of interest.... I wouldnt be starting of with large items like a bonnet, but i would start with smaller items like: engine covers brake and fluid cover a stock Air intake with pipe in carbon, also he said i could have plenum covers in carbon that resist heat upto 800 degrees C, B pillar covers/ replacements sill replacements and i would hopefully providing the interest and my money situation to go onto dash parts and centre console replacements in carbon fibre, he also mention custom making bonnets and splitters, nearly everything is possible providing i can get the OEM parts to make the moulds from. Moulds would take 6-7 weeks to make, but once there done he said the turnaround time to make the parts is around 7 days This sounds like a ramble, which it probably is, as im a little excited by the thoughts of it, like i said ill start small and work up, just need interest in parts. also they will be cheaper than the current market which is a big bonus. So what are your thoughts? and any questions? also can mods get in touch with me to check wether im allowed to do this type of thing and help me if this goes ahead to stay on board with forum rules Thanks Scott
  23. interested in the engine cover mate, could you pm me a price, i know it says offers but im no good with pricing
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