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Everything posted by scottsoulby

  1. think i will post in the states forums. but first i want one here and on the car before i jump in at the deep end with them, or maybe ill just talk to a few companies and see if they want to stock them
  2. £100 quid for a spacer?? somebody would get a bargain... get one bought, carbon beats ninja's all day long
  3. you can never promise to stop spending, it is an addiction, engine bay blingage is the way forward, give into temptations
  4. will do, ill put up a new group but hopefully within a few weeks
  5. ill be making them shortly, will be priced at approx £100 for a replacement cover
  6. Yep so look no further and get your name down on here, it will be worth it
  7. The kinetix is plastic and is prone to cracking, even the ssv is weak, ask adamz1 he will tell you of his hatred for them, mind being carbon fibre will not only look good bit will not crack and can use with aftermarket struts, the kinetix version 5 can only use the oem strut end of the day, I'm just selling something different that is new to the market, I think £250 is a good price for what you get
  8. Carbon Plenum + spacer - approx £250 1. rtbiscuit 2. Scott 3. 4. 5. Carbon Wing mirror bracket replacements - approx £100 a set 1. Scott 2. 3. 4. 5. Carbon intake pipes - approx £100 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Battery and brake fluid carbon replacements - approx £90 a set 1. Scott 2. 3. 4. 5.
  9. right the first batch of surrounds are ordered so back onto the main project..... could you guys who has offered me a loan of their plenum get in touch with me, soon as i get one ill start getting it made a list if who is interested who be good if somebody wants to start one off, its not an im definate list, just people who are willing to buy if the product comes out how it is expected MIRROR BRACKETS - these replacement in carbon should retail around 100 pounds, which is better than i expected, they will come with OEM mountings so fit fit just like the originals but look 100 times better, TADDY has kindly offered me his as moulds, so ill be in touch soon if the offer is still available... obviosly a nice discount in there for you Thanks
  10. Have a word with tech carbon, there doing alot of interior bits at the moment, might make these as well
  11. There is a carbon one on eBay at the moment going cheap, £25 currently
  12. Cheers mate, yeah I'll be doing one soonish in carbon fibre, should be retailing for approx £100
  13. I will do bud, ill just have to wait until these my current group buys are up and running, their a busy bunch so I cant overload them with jobs, a bit nearer the time ill start a thread for them
  14. Hi, if I have enough interest in the carbon intake pipes I'll be happy to sort them out, and yes they will fit the jwt popchargers
  15. Nice one If you can get the brackets off, I'm not to bothered about the mirror itself at the moment, do you not use your car often? I'll need to get prices first for it though and make sure people want them
  16. very mate, looking forward to seeing it at redline if i can make it
  17. nice job mate, wish mine was looking as good as that
  18. let me know if you want to amend the first post with your plans CS
  19. +1 my dc sports has a nice deep tone in the lower revs
  20. very nice, prepare to get pounced upon by shire
  21. theres not really much to choose between them really, personally i would go for the 53 plate, i prefer the rays wheels and it comes with the k1 exhaust, just had its service and a tyre change
  22. Spoke to him today, I can get the carbon finishes in both shiney or dull form at no extra cost, I'm guessing People will think the shiney finish is better As for the mirror brackets, they can be done but I'll have to take it to him to get a price
  23. The spacer on my car has covered approx 750 miles, although I got it off Paul(p15sult) I'm not sure if he used it or not? As for the carbon plenum, as soon as I get the spare which should be next week, he said it would take approx 2 weeks for the mould to be done
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