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Everything posted by scottsoulby

  1. cheers mate, once ive got it in and started ill ask for a deposit from the definates, then ill get the rest once its completed and your happy with it
  2. hi mate, i recieved the plenum yesterday, im going on either sunday or monday when i go see the finished brake/fluid surrounds so ill have words then, im happy to cough up the csah though and get things rolling
  3. I'll take the Free air duct Paul, let me know how much you want for postage
  4. Carbon Plenum + spacer - approx £250 1. rtbiscuit 2. Scott 3. Dblock 4. Lamby 5. Carbon Wing mirror bracket replacements - approx £100 a set 1. Scott 2. 3. 4. 5. Carbon intake pipes - approx £100 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Battery and brake fluid carbon replacements - approx £90 a set 1. Scott 2. 3. 4. 5.
  5. can the standard 18" tyre sizes go on these? if you had the 8.5 on the front and the 9.5 on the rear? im interested in a set of the bronze
  6. thank god you had the answer because i hadnt a clue
  7. a bump for some answers, trax is only a month away
  8. Which one has taken your fancy then? Please be mine, please be mine
  9. cheers matey, ill send you a pm now
  10. nice mate, plenum has come up with a lovely finish, give me a shout if you want any other bits in carbon
  11. or wait a little a see the carbon fibre plenum with inbuilt 5/16 spacer im getting made up and selling
  12. my nismo bumper is cracked as well, hit it on a steep entrance to a petrol station, its not lowered either
  13. will you pm me a price for your cracked c-west lip and maybe a piccy if you get chance? ta
  14. nice one, kept me going for a little bit over my night shift
  15. cant see the pic, bloody work computersany
  16. the parts WILL be done its just a case of waiting for patrick to fall on his feet and get started again,
  17. very true, im already in talks with tech carbon about a celica project, he seems to be in at the deep end at the moment, with family issues and work
  18. Hi guys, looks like we will be wainting a little while longer as patrick has run into a few problems with the business, ill breifly explain: Patrick started his business in the back garden shed and worked hard to get a company built together, he run into a few financial problems, his parents decided they will help him out and buy half the business so they would own it 50/50, recently they have been argueing about how the business has been run and having conflicting decsions about where the company should be going, so he decided to leave, at the moment they are in discussions about what he is owed out of the business and what materials are his etc, which they havnt come to an agreement, he is now looking at setting up a new company without them, but has to wait until the end of the month to check finances, he will have the backing of most of his previous clients, for the meantime, he might start making products from the shed again to get a bit of cash flowing, but cant say when this will happen. He is ringing me next week with an update my dilema is, should i wait until patrick has started back up with his business as he was the main carbon fibre guy or return to gfibre, (where the parents are assholes i must say, had a bit of an arguement with them today) and possibly have to wait longer until the parts are complete? (maybe talking a month) im personally thinking wait for patrick, he seems a very genuine guy, lives around the corner from me, has alot more sociable skills than his parents, and is better with carbon fibre, the only problem ill have is that ill not have an estimated time of moulds getting done, until maybe next week when he rings what do you guys think? decisions decisions
  19. i will be producing a carbon fibre Z badge soon,
  20. So only 1 person other than me is interested in purchasing?? I'm hoping it's a case of people not putting names down until they see the finished product? Bladesgrant has kindly offered ne his spare plenum which hopefully will be here next week then it's all go
  21. Do we need to book this? Or have we got a stand already?
  22. how about a carbon plenum with spacer when i have them made, retail at a bargain price of £250, might as well
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