Okay, few questions, was your house built by a private builder Martin? And when? Or is it ex local authority?
The old system of recording title deeds was called the General Register of Sasines. Every time there was a transfer of property a deed would be drawn up and added to the collection pertaining to that property. So each property would have a whole pile of old deeds dating back hundreds of years in some cases (I should know, I have such piles all over my office!)
When Land Registration came into effect, any transfer of a property would induce registration in the Land Register (so of course not all properties are registered in the Land Register, if they haven't had a transfer since the time Land Registration came into effect for that area - that date varies according to geographical area). Registration in the Land Register produces what is called a Land Certificate for the property - a single document being the title deed (yes, held electronically and can be accessed as such, but the paper Land Certificates still very much in use and if you have a mortgage would be with your lender). All the old title deeds became redundant and could be disposed of/kept by owner for historical interest/kept by solicitor.
Therefore, if your property is Land Registered then trying to 'look behind' the Land Certificate becomes tricky as the older deeds could have been disposed of, or they might have been kept, just depends. In saying that, the Land Certificate should have a plan and show a note of all the background deeds which contain the burdens (I think what you refer to as restrictive covenants - perhaps an English/Scottish thing) pertaining to the property. It sounds as if that should really give you all the info you need. But then if you say you only got a one page thing, then that is NOT the full Land Certificate.
For reference, the original transfer of a property (whether by a builder or by local authority) is called the Feu Disposition. As I said, if your property is Land Registered this became redundant and could be anywhere....
Sorry for the essay, I didn't realise it was going to be so long. And that's only a very brief simplified explanation!