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Everything posted by Cara

  1. Here you go Stan, just for you:
  2. Oh oh oh, another one springs to mind, does anyone get the completely-annoyingly-frustratingly-catchy "we buy any car . com" tune randomly going round your head?! Or is that just me
  3. The one with the baby dancing freaks me out ever so slightly
  4. Ok Stan I am seriously impressed!! You could spot that from a teeny tiny corner?! It's a Midget My OH's current project. I will see if i can find a pic for you.
  5. Correct Stew, VTS I took it out for it's first proper run today out Westhill way actually, and I'm really quite surprised at how quick it is - it's so light. I'm liking it!
  6. I'm really surprised at the 'oomph' it has, and definitely seems comfy! Only got it on Thursday. No doubt going to have all the local boy racers trying to race me
  7. I'm winding you up! Cheers Immy, tis rather cute And as you say, should save a fortune on petrol! It's actually not bad for a wee car, about 120bhp as standard.
  8. really though, thats your accent colour in the room, you cant just have some cushions with it in, maybe if you carried it in a picture too, maybe some painted squares on the walls or simple coloured canvases. while your at it i suppose you could also have a lampshade, purples quite dark though, dont want to go too far, may look a bit dungeony ........ Have you been drinking??? Or do the girly tendencies come out late evening? (and hey, perhaps Nic would like the dungeon-y look )
  9. Purple!! And all variations thereof - eggplant, aubergine, mulberry, etc! Very 'now'. Loving it. Perfect splash of colour to go with cream. Apologies now to all the men reading this going 'wtf'
  10. Do you need a hand cushion shopping? Pillows rock, can't get enough!
  11. I have never heard of this? Sounds interesting?
  12. It really does make sense - saves on the petrol bills too! Scrap mobile?? How very dare you!! It's actually pretty smart and been well kept, I have taste! But I'll let you off for once and won't argue, I know what you mean A runabout is definitely what you need too, can park it anywhere and not give a sh!t. Perfect. I always end up parking miles away in the Z too.
  13. Men! Functionality and that's it. I despair. It's called S-T-Y-L-E ! (Okay so some people may call it obsession, but hey )
  14. Exactly Nic! And can take it to the shops and - heaven forbid - don't have to park miles away so that I practically need a bus to take me to the front door! Thought I'd be shot down for this hehe Winter is fast approaching, runabout rules, you know you want to!
  15. What?! It cannot be ruled out......! Now that is just CRAZY
  16. Well, here is the new mega smart, mega expensive, mega fast, ahem, addition to the family.....!! How sad am I, cleaned it today.... IN THE RAIN!!! I like it
  17. My sofas are just regular leather sofas... I just happen to, uh, like cushions!! Can't decide which ones to use so my theory is that I should just use them all! Six on a three-seater and four on a two-seater.... I have, however, yet to insist on new sofas to match the cushions. Some reassurance for you Martin
  18. I guess this is not the best time to mention that I currently have six (yes, six) cushions on a three-seater sofa........
  19. Uh huh, what's that saying again - something about I believe you but thousands (ie, the forum population) wouldn't
  20. Already, is that it? Sheesh, that was quick..... (Now where have you heard that before ) Few months on and most people are as silly as ever, yay!
  21. I know, I know.... the last few months have seen a lot going on for me. And as Martin says, all my online time has been devoted to my farm I have finally decided to try to catch up here though, my god, going to take me a while!!
  22. Lovely pics Dawn, nice to see it looking sunny for a change here!
  23. Glad to see the useless banter is still alive and kicking
  24. You beat me to it, I got this via email a few weeks ago and would have posted it, hilarious! "Every time I have to spell a word over the phone using 'as in' examples, I will undoubtedly draw a blank and sound like a complete idiot. Today I had to spell my boss's last name to an attorney and said "Yes that's G as in...(10 second lapse)..ummm...Goonies"." i do this ALL the time, to the point where i've been thinking i should learn the phonetic alphabet!!
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