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Everything posted by R35LEE

  1. R35LEE

    370z Akebono

    Way better braking and the bigger discs look better inside the wheels
  2. I have a customers E36 M3 Evo Cabriolet for sale at the moment and they are quick cars and for nothing now. Very dated looking but good value
  3. Amazing looking zed!! I love them in red
  4. R35LEE

    B pillar brace

    Buy a sample and improve it Chris
  5. The zed will feel Like an F1 car when you get back into it
  6. Makes your gearbox last waaaay longer
  7. Glad it's getting fixed! Look forward to the updates
  8. Can turn Nats off at ecu. Jap Key fobs can be used with any JDM spec car. Just need to code I might be able to get a JDM key, I will call a mate tomorrow for you.
  9. You could if you had the NATS turned off. Cheaper to get an import key when one comes up
  10. Was a good build but the K-Series engine is crap
  11. Have you guys fitted my black leather trim yet? I was good to meet Linda and Mick last week Really lovely people!
  12. Good man, it makes more sense getting it looked at first
  13. Always better to make an informed decision in any situation
  14. You really need to be sure of the issue before attempting to hide or bodge it with liquid wood shavings. Get a competent mechanic to check it out first and go from there
  15. R35LEE

    what new car?

    My money says you end up buying an E46 M3
  16. Ye non GT cars usually fetch less cash but don't discount an non GT especially if you planning a lot of modding anyway
  17. R35LEE

    Steering mods

    And then it will be able to turn on the spot like a fork truck
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