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Everything posted by verma

  1. verma

    air filter

    Does anyone have a AEM one then and this seems a good price compared to ebay?? http://www.temple-tuning.co.uk/aem-shor ... 4613-p.asp
  2. I had the 190...yeah I sold it a few months back to some guy in ireland...I changed the car a fair bit before I let it go...perry was a legend RIP....celica was a nice car but like u say its not close to the zed and a total different drive altogether...wheels are nice, prob look nice on a black zed though...what size? 20's?
  3. Welcome to the club, I also had a celica and was on the forum, you might remember me as I had perrys blue modded beast...
  4. verma

    'Z' Badge's

    I wouldn't be too happy with a heap of folk not knowing what my car was just by changing a badge What country was it
  5. verma

    'Z' Badge's

    Sunny, got mine from jdm performance as there are known issues with these badges wearing a bit with the whether but that was only some certain badges, jdm say theirs will be fine so I paid a bit extra for quality and quality of service.
  6. They do seem good, what was the best avergae price for just the seats then as price isnt posted? And do you know how long it normally takes?
  7. As thread states...I'm looking for a retrim on my interior and preferably somewhere local really, anyone had any experience and suggest someone upto the task? And I promise not to call them today...might try tomorrow
  8. Imports came with a fairlady badge, the one in the ebay link is a nice badge...self adhesive and a bit different to the OEM one...bit more shiny
  9. What about this - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350Z-Badge ... 240%3A1318
  10. This might be cheaper http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NISSAN-350Z-ALLOY ... 240%3A1318
  11. Well u don't get much more nismo zed's than this... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350-z-nism ... 240%3A1318
  12. These are 60mm http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/nissan-z-wheel-wh ... 240%3A1318
  13. got mine off ebay, cost peanuts just finishes the wheels off imo What size did you buy 5.5? I've seen a few different ones...
  14. Know this is a old thread but my 21 year old cousin bought one of these a month or so back, brand new in white, have to say it looks nice and the front LED'S are like marmite but I like them...drove it the other day and I thought the handling is very good!! Lizard you might off seen it, lives off the binley road in the avenues...cousin wouldn't be able to drive this car at all....shame really....
  15. I'll look into it as my cc might be hitting the limit soon
  16. Are they really needed?? I know sarnie's going to say HELL YEAH!!
  17. I'm presuming he's going to say Leicester and xmas came 3 days early for someone!! From my experience the fitting and paintwork will be spot on
  18. I've kept them on as think it goes well with the rest of the car
  19. Just like to say a BIG thank you to CS and guys @ Ultimate Velocity for a 'grand' job, very happy with the results, match is spot on along with paintwork and would thoroughly reccomend for anyone who's thinking of any kit for their zed, am looking forward to seeing the work in January for the 2 zed owners on here...Next work for me is under the hood which CS and UV will be assisting me again, thanks again
  20. Yeah, thank god the photos of my car are slightly blurred Was good to meet everyone! We should definitely do it again! Who was the guy with the MASSIVE camera? -I'd like to see some of his pics! The lens on that camera was bigger than the K1!! Nice meeting everyone and that chrysler was
  21. I'm with CS at the moment so I'll try and get a clip of mine up for you..
  22. verma

    Outside done....

    Is the roof not carbon fibre? Sorry just catching up with the thread...do like the rear and spoiler looks like one off a BMW 6 series
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